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Thread: Vw T3 2.1 watercooled cyl head Question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Brisbane down under

    Vw T3 2.1 watercooled cyl head Question.

    Hi Guys

    I am fixing a vw T3 van for a friend at the moment
    its an 89 2.1 watercooled Petrol- not familar with this engine at all if anyone can help.

    He managed to roast the engine as it had a small coolant leak from under the thermostat housing and he basically drove it bone dry before noticing.

    since roasting it -upon refilling, it has started to leak coolant from around the thick rubber outer head gasket.(between block and head)

    I pulled the LHS head off today, The thick rubber gasket is badly maimed so it will require a new of those,

    However on inspecting the head i found between the inlet and exhaust valve seats is a small crack, doesnt seem to be cracked into the actual valve seat- just a crack in the head itself, prob 2-3mm long. my fear is will this be allowing compression into the water jacket inside the head??

    I have seen cracks like this in other heads before and they dont give any problem but on some engines the crack can enter the water jacket.
    Any 2.1 experts offer advice?

    Also i have noticed that their seems to be a rubber o ring seal and lots of gasket compound around the top of the liners were they sit into the head,
    Is this a special o ring in the liner recess groove or simply gasket sealer?

    All help appreciated

    09 T5 4 Motion 6 spd Manual
    Sunroof.Diff lock.Captains chairs.Pearl black

    Coming soon. Remap- 7" Head unit - 19" Bbs and a slam

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag

    Quote Originally Posted by twincamsham View Post
    Hi Guys

    I am fixing a vw T3 van for a friend at the moment
    its an 89 2.1 watercooled Petrol- not familar with this engine at all if anyone can help.

    He managed to roast the engine as it had a small coolant leak from under the thermostat housing and he basically drove it bone dry before noticing.

    since roasting it -upon refilling, it has started to leak coolant from around the thick rubber outer head gasket.(between block and head)

    I pulled the LHS head off today, The thick rubber gasket is badly maimed so it will require a new of those,

    However on inspecting the head i found between the inlet and exhaust valve seats is a small crack, doesnt seem to be cracked into the actual valve seat- just a crack in the head itself, prob 2-3mm long. my fear is will this be allowing compression into the water jacket inside the head??

    I have seen cracks like this in other heads before and they dont give any problem but on some engines the crack can enter the water jacket.
    Any 2.1 experts offer advice?

    Also i have noticed that their seems to be a rubber o ring seal and lots of gasket compound around the top of the liners were they sit into the head,
    Is this a special o ring in the liner recess groove or simply gasket sealer?

    All help appreciated

    I always take the removed cylinder head to cylinder head specialist for cleaning, machining, pressure testing and any job it requires to be sure that when fitted back to the engine there is no problem. I'm sure that any good mechanic would do it exactly like that. Make sure that you clean the surface for the head gasket on the engine block and check for distortion with the straight edge. Always fit a new thermostat and make sure that the radiator is not restricted and in good condition.


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