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Thread: Vw multivan table - grey

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Melbourne, Victoria
    Users Country Flag

    Ah I see, mine must’ve had a diy job on it then, bugger.

    Isopropyl is what I had on hand and what we use to clean surfaces at work, haven’t tried any of those goo gone type products from Bunnings, they might be better suited for removing adhesive though. You’ll want something plastic to push/ scrape the adhesive and a few rags

    The vinyl is fairly thin, it can be rolled up but I had a reasonably thick matte laminate on top and we have recently gotten in an even thicker laminate for floor stickers (social distancing stuff) so next try I’ll use that

    It should be pretty durable

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    I've found that Oomph Remover works best for removing adhesive ... then follow up with isopropyl alcohol to clean up afterwards.
    Last edited by Gold Coaster; 28-07-2020 at 07:44 PM.

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