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Thread: VIN Plate Issue T4 Kombi

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newcastle NSW
    Users Country Flag

    VIN Plate Issue T4 Kombi

    Has anyone else heard of this issue with Kombis?

    Today I was dropping our 75 Kombi off at the mechanics to get a couple of small things sorted and I was about to leave in my T4 Kombi when a woman comes out of the workshop and hails me down. She has just bought a 2003 T4 Kombi the same as mine from an auction and it has been registered in SA (she got it for a bargain $13K ). Anyway she has taken it to get a blue slip to transfer it to NSW rego and the VIN plate has the letters/words CATEGORY NA instead of CATEGORY MA (like mine has). The RTA will not accept this as it makes the vehicle a goods vehicle and not a passenger vehicle - although it clearly says seating capacity as 9.

    She has contacted VW which has told her it was a fault that affected about 150 models and that they know about it. What she needs is a letter from VW to state this but they dont appear to be in a hurry to help her out. I have told her to contact VW Customer Service in Sydney and clearly state that they are stopping her from registering and insuring her car legally and if they do not help out, that they can expect action through her solicitor.

    Has anyone else heard of this problem or has been through it themselves? This will become an issue down the track as people start to sell their vehicles and they go interstate.
    Last edited by melissa; 21-05-2009 at 07:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sunshine Coast Hinterland
    Hi Melissa,
    My 2003 Transporter's VIN plate is marked Category NA.
    What does it mean anyway?
    I did a search on VIN catergory, could not find any answer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newcastle NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Well Neil - dont ever let it go out of rego or sell it to another state where it will need a blue slip without a letter from VW to say that they made a mistake (along with another 149 vehicles the same) or you will struggle big time.

    I think it means it is supposed to be a goods vehicle and not a passenger vehicle. If I hear any more info I will pass it on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sunshine Coast Hinterland
    Thanks Melissa,
    Thats probably alright as mine is a 2 seat Transporter not a Caravelle.
    NA is probably the correct code for mine.
    Thanks Neil

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    If it's the factory VIN plate you're referring to could "NA" be an abbreviation for "commercial motor vehicle" in German, I think it's "nutzfahrzeuge", then again I can't read or speak German.? Or are you reading off the compliance plate which I would assume is locally installed?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newcastle NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    It is the locally installed plate.
    Like this one on mine..

    I thought it was VIN plate because it has my VIN number on it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Thanks for the photo. Yep, your shots of the locally installed compliance plate fitted after the vehicle is modded to meet Australian ADR's. The reason I asked was to work out if it was an error by VW Germany in stamping the original build plate incorrectly or by VW Australia on the locally fitted compliance plate.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Weingarten, Germany

    Is there the addtional "Fahrzeugdatenträger" available in the export models for australia?

    Ausstattungsmerkmale VW T4

    I have noticed that they should be available to all T4, the additional plates differ from state to state.

    In germany there are black ones on the passenger door or on the frame of the engine, in switzerland there is no one available - but the sticker is in three languages, etc.

    Greetings, Martin


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