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Thread: Very Noticeable Engine Vibration 2.5 TDI

  1. #1

    Very Noticeable Engine Vibration 2.5 TDI

    My 2009 Caravelle TDI 2.5 4 Motion Manual has developed a disconcerting engine vibration. Very noticeable at 1000 RPM but exists at all the time - driving or stopped. The fuel is clean and the fuel filter was replaced but wasn't particularly dirty. If this was a petrol engine I'd say it was a miss - fouled plug or spark lead fallen off.
    I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and what was the outcome. The garage has added some injector cleaning product in the hopes it is just a dirty injector.
    I'm told the injectors are not easy to test on this engine and expensive to replace.
    Any suggestions as to the most likely problem would be appreciated. I saw a suggestion about a DMF causing vibration but have no idea if this engine/manual gearbox combination has such a beast.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Easiest way to determine a problem with the DMF is try and reverse up a sloping incline if it shudders then DMF could be a problem , but mine has been shuddering in reverse for over 10 plus years and does not give any vibration in forward motion . Check all the vacum tubes there are loads of them on the 2.5 a small split because of the age could cause problems and then it could also be a turbo issue , a tiny bit of out of balance could cause the vibration .

  3. #3
    Thanks, Howard, I'll check the tubes and try the reversing suggestion.
    I'd imagine at the speed the turbo spins at an out of balance impeller would cause a high pitch vibration and the vehicle still seems to have good pulling power which would appear to negate a turbo problem.
    Regards John.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    sydney nsw
    hi jjhobart.
    is this the AXE motor? how many k's

  5. #5
    Hi jfoldbar
    I believe it is the BPC motor with about 244ks on the clock.

  6. #6
    Still chasing the vibration. I was checking the turbo boost with my OBDII and am wondering if anyone has details on what it should be?
    At idle it is showing negative 1 or negative 2. Would that be correct?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Hamilton Hill, Western Australia
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    Hello jjhobart. I have a Trakkadu T5 running the same BPC engine, 4motion, manual and very similar km on the clock. The engine 'wobble' you describe is similar to what has recently started on ours. I only notice it at idle when driving, but if the vehicle is stationary and I run the revs up and down the vibration will come and go depending on RPM. The mechanic has said that a damaged dual mass flywheel will create vibration, but there are none of the noises or other symptoms of a DMF fault. They did a full data read on the engine monitoring system which showed a normal profile - so no clues there. It's annoying to have an otherwise brilliant vehicle with this problem, but I don't want to spend big dollars chasing it. (just spent $2900 repairing a snapped exhaust manifold stud) I'm basically waiting for some change in the problem to give a decent clue of where the fault lies.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hi, Another suggestion is to check front engine mount for cracks in the rubber insert. Also check all exhaust clamps from the turbo back. Have the Gates belts for A/C and alternator been replaced at 180k interval? Cheers, Scott.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Hamilton Hill, Western Australia
    Users Country Flag
    Thanks Silver Caravelle, the engine mounts were one of the possibilities suggested by the mechanic. I think they are hard to inspect thoroughly when in-situ. Might be the next move- they won’t be performing as intended now anyway.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Flowmech View Post
    Thanks Silver Caravelle, the engine mounts were one of the possibilities suggested by the mechanic. I think they are hard to inspect thoroughly when in-situ. Might be the next move- they won’t be performing as intended now anyway.
    Yes it is worth a shot. I had vibration issues with my 2008 Multi from very low kms. I pulled my hair out for a long time trying to resolve. Finally the front engine mount was changed at about 90,000 kms as it had a cracked inner rubber. It was not obvious though. Then it was back to smooth running and no vibration. The left mount would be worth checking as well. The rear and driver's side mounts tend not to wear out quickly.

    Also good fuel makes all the difference to how smooth these engines run. At about 13, 0000 km's mine is as smooth as it has ever been! Also recheck exhaust system clamps, particularly flange gasket to turbo, clamps for the DPF and listen to if the DPF has broken up inside ( if this is possible?). A mechanic should be able to detect with the vehicle up on a hoist running reasonably easy, well hopefully. Good luck. Scott.

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