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Thread: Tyre Pressures

  1. #1

    Tyre Pressures

    I'm just wondering what tyre pressures people are running in their All Terrain tyres?

    I'm running BF Goodrich AT's 235/70R16 and was told to run 48psi front and rear on the highway and 33psi on sand. Does this seem right?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Users Country Flag
    if the tire guys told you that, then its most likely right..

    but it does seems high, are they LT tires?

    whats the ride like?

    On sand you could maybe go down to 20-25psi

    Those BFG AT tires with the Black Steels look great

  3. #3

    Just returned from 3 days at Double Island Point. These T5 4motion's are unstoppable on the sand. I dropped the pressures to 30psi front and 25psi rear and never came close to getting bogged. In and out of the cuttings to the beach I'd usually see most 4x4ers reving the tits off their cars, but the Transporter didn't need that. Just 2nd gear and 2000 - 3000rpm would be heaps.

    Can't wait for the next trip.
    Last edited by Toa84; 30-10-2016 at 09:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Does the 4 motion have Traction Control like the standard vans have , just curious as we found our T5 clawed its way out of a muddy gully by itself . We used to camp at Black Duck Valley Moto Cross park near Gatton , woke up one morning to pouring rain and sticky black soil access road and track . The van with trailer fully loaded with 3 bikes in trailer and one in the van plus 4 pasengers and a huge load of camp gear managed to traverse the muddy sections that had already claimed lots of others who had to be towed out with a tractor . I went downhill into the gullies and planted the foot to the floor in anticipation of needing as much grunt to get up the hill on the other side , I found the vans engine cut power itself and then proceeded to grip with alternative front wheels until it got to the top , the engine revs were under control of the traction system until it got to better terrain . Not sure if it would be the same in sand . Good setup by the way looks good on the beach .

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