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Thread: Turbo/ Transporter T5

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    pitt town nsw
    Users Country Flag

    Turbo/ Transporter T5

    Hi to the group and the country !! I have a 2004 t5 1.9tdi transporter i imported into the country when we moved over,unfortuantly the turbo blew 1 month after we got it on the road here!! I have a new turbo on its way from Germany, original part,about half the price i was quoted here!. Will fit it myself.has anybody ever changed one of these ? Any thing i should watch out for ?
    When the turbo let go it blew most of the engine oil through the inlet/exhaust system,i have removed and cleaned the intercooler and pipe work,the throttle body has also been cleaned,next step is to remove inlet manifold and clean the gunge from that,have a new gasket for reassembly, but i am looking for the torque settings for the manifold allen bolts ?? also will need them for the exhaust manifold as the new turbo comes fitted on new manifold,would anybody have these figures ??
    I see on other t5 sites ,blocking off the egr is popular,any opinions ??

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Now Adelaide!!!
    Sorry its not the answer to your question but did you have much trouble bringing the transporter over?
    Where did you bring it from?(UK at a guess).
    Can you give us some info please?
    Welcome to the forum...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    pitt town nsw
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    Hi Rob,
    We brought the van over from Ireland, it was in a 40foot container with the rest of our stuff,the container and shipping was around 3000 euro half the container for the van,paid around 1500 dollers import duty to get it through customs,then the rta costs,was a lot of runing around this end especially with australian quarantine ,only brought it with us as it is fitted out with cages for the dogs we show,estimate it probably cost 5000 dollers all up,then it blew up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Now Adelaide!!!
    Cheers for the info!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Barry....welcome. Might I suggest that you make yourself known to Jmac on this board? He runs a specialty VW shoppe down Camden way. Not exactly near you but not too far either....and you never can have too much help around the place with what is a relatively rare beastie

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Newcastle, NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seano View Post
    Barry....welcome. Might I suggest that you make yourself known to Jmac on this board? He runs a specialty VW shoppe down Camden way. Not exactly near you but not too far either....and you never can have too much help around the place with what is a relatively rare beastie
    JMAC is Jimmy and he is in Southern Queensland.

    Camden GTI is run by Matt - Golf Loon.

    There are other VW specialists around your area.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Whoops....oh least someone remembers stuff better than I do!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    pitt town nsw
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    Update on my sick T5 !!! . The turbo was indeed shot to bits,upon removal of intake pipe into turbo,half of the turbine spindle was lying in the bottom of the pipe,the spindle had sheared,(seemingly quite a common problem with kkk turbos) so i found out,the impeller was split in two and jammed in the housing and the turbine end was nowhere to be found !! ( hopefully at the bottom of the exhaust system with half the oil from the engine ) . Drained around 1 litre of oil from the intercooler and pipe work and cleaned, imported a turbo from Geramany ( 70% cheaper than local quotes) although DHL lost it for a while it was worth the effort. Fitted it over weekend and now is running a treat,except that she initially smoked like a steam train from the oil in exhaust !! 2 questions though,does the tdi exhaust systems have a cat ?? if they do will that now be destroyed because of oil contamination ?? I think i need to get the turbo set up correctly on a dyno/remap-- any suggestions??.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, NSW
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    There is a cat, but it is best to be removed if you are keen on performance.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Western Suburbs - QLD
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    Hi Guys (new to the forum)

    I have joined up on behalf of my Father who owns a T5 Transporter and uses it as a Maxi Taxi here in Brisbane.
    Its done a fair few KMs now since buying it new and he has had some dramas with the thing unfortunately and Highway VW in slacks creek has been less than helpful with it all but more than happy to charge him plenty of $$$$$ for questionable results.

    Anyway - the turbo is starting to squeal a little bit and he requires a replacement soon. needless to say VW quoted $2400+ for a turbo... i laughed and have sent out a couple of emails to overseas suppliers and noted much lower prices.

    Barry K - Where did you end up sourcing and buying your turbo from , how much did you pay?

    Cheers guys


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