Impact of internal coolant leak on engine.
The coolant leak that isn’t external means that the coolant is leaking into the engine ; either the oil, exhaust or(and) intake side.
Coolant leak into the engine oil - quickly degrade the engine oil and such contaminated oil is no longer suitable for 15,000km service interval - excessive wear occurs.
Changing the engine oil and filter at 1/2 intervals obviously extends the life of the engine and may delay failures. It also explains why some owners are lucky enough and their engines last even when there’s a coolant leak into the engine.
Slow EGR cooler leak into the part of EGR cooler where only exhaust gases should be cause the coolant to get sucked into intake and into the cylinders where in a short time causes cylinder walls pitting, rusting, where in the small cavities created, engine oil that would under normal conditions be wiped down into the oil sump by piston rings, stays and burns in the combustion process.
A small amount of coolant in combustion will not cause any immediate problems for the engine. The engine may even have slightly more power, because of steam. That’s very generally said. But, in the longer run, it will reduce the engine’s life and cause other problems.
Larger amount of coolant entering via failed EGR cooler will hydro lock the engine and cause immediately no start. If the engine hydro locked partially, the results could be connecting rods bent just slightly and the piston(s) no longer run true in the cylinders. The engine may still run reasonably or poorly. Such engine will have a lot of metal particles in oil as result of pistons scraping cylinder walls on one side.
Anyone with an unexplained coolant loss should get their engine oil analysed, it is inexpensive and can save you lot of money in the long term, (DIY is possible).
You may even claim a new engine from VW Australia.
Some tips;
Make sure you use UOA (Used Oil Analysis) kit from a reputable/recognised organisation.
Make sure that you always collect detailed paperwork when you had any warranty work done by your dealer, no matter how friendly relationship you have with them.