I know, this has been done to death, but I want a fresh take on this issue
Picked up my Multi today, driving nice and smooth again after my second auto rebuild
I noticed on the rebuild guarantee they recommend 'servicing' the auto every 12 months or 20,000 ks
Now I do around 60,000 a year, so it got me wondering if there is any advantage in changing my oil more than the once a year I have been doing
The clutches went in the box this time, and was wondering if changing my oil 2 or 3 times a year might give me a better life than the 96,000 ks I got out of the first rebuild
I know some will look at the costings of changing the oil, but I look at the disruption to the running of my business, and it has cost me far more than 2 or 3 oil changes in a year
I'm more than happy to spend a bit more money for better reliability
Thoughts? or definitives?