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Thread: Transmission oil

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Kilmore, Vic
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    Transmission oil

    I know, this has been done to death, but I want a fresh take on this issue
    Picked up my Multi today, driving nice and smooth again after my second auto rebuild
    I noticed on the rebuild guarantee they recommend 'servicing' the auto every 12 months or 20,000 ks
    Now I do around 60,000 a year, so it got me wondering if there is any advantage in changing my oil more than the once a year I have been doing
    The clutches went in the box this time, and was wondering if changing my oil 2 or 3 times a year might give me a better life than the 96,000 ks I got out of the first rebuild
    I know some will look at the costings of changing the oil, but I look at the disruption to the running of my business, and it has cost me far more than 2 or 3 oil changes in a year
    I'm more than happy to spend a bit more money for better reliability
    Thoughts? or definitives?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I would do it yearly in your case or every 45,000km if you must. I would also fit the temperature gauge. The hi speed driving on hot days is a killer.

    On the second thought. Is the 20,000km oil change only recommendation or the condition of the warranty?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Well normally it means 20000k or 1 year WHICHEVER COMES FIRST

    I have just done the 15000k first service after 12 months but car had only done 8000km
    It says the above in the book as far as I know

  4. #4
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    Warranty is only good for 20,000 so after that doesn't matter
    What good would an oil gauge do, apart from telling you to stop (I know, dumb question/statement!)
    I've found the more gauges you have, the more you worry, and usually for no real reason
    Is an additional oil cooler worth considering?
    I was advised not to worry in this model as the existing one is ok...?
    I'm open to suggestions


  5. #5
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    The oil temperature gauge would alert you when the AT is running hot, so you just slow down and let it cool down.

  6. #6
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    Is there any particualr temperature range that is ideal for them?

    More importantly, at what temperature does one consider pulling over to let it cool down?
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    The transmission shop only wants your money every 20000km IMO.
    50K sounds more reasonable to me,but also depends how they're driven

    When i did mine at 75K the oil looked reasonably ok.Next service(DIY) at 150K
    04 T5

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Silly question Cousin you can PM the answer is your tranny the six speed Triptronic ?? Aisin Box and about how much was the rebuild and how far did you get between rebuilds and why the second time . ???

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    Is there any particualr temperature range that is ideal for them?

    More importantly, at what temperature does one consider pulling over to let it cool down?
    The ATF will oxidize and turn brown when heated up over it's mormal operating temperature.
    Generally the 80-90 degC is normal temp for ATF, when it goes around the 120 degC it is real bad. Trouble with the AT is that even under the normal driving the AT can overheat. Also for every 10degC over the normal oil temperature the life of the ATF fluid (any oil really) is reduced by 1/2. .

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Thanks Transporter, good info
    So would an additional/aftermarket oil cooler help things any, or is that just another waste of money

    sunny, a 2006 Highline Multivan in very good condition would loose far more value than the $4,800 it cost to rebuild if I just move it on with a blown transmission

    In hindsight, just don't buy the van in the first place
    But I have it, and I have to do the sums and decide what is the best course of action

    I gather you still have your vans with all the problems you've had
    You've made your decisions too


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