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Thread: Transmission information .

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Transmission information .

    Wish I had seen this years ago when our first T5 auto went out to lunch , I still reckon VW knew this was a problem here in Australia but chose to keep it quiet . My personal opinion is that they realised the mistake with "Sealed for Life "and as we now know the DSG not only can be service but also comes with a fluid cooler . Its along a winded video but John does explain things well .The truth about servicing automatic transmissions (even the sealed ones) — Auto Expert by John Cadogan - save thousands on your next new car!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    If only the routine auto service was in fact dirt cheap! Cheers, Scott

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter
    I would have happily paid for the service on our old T5 if it was a part of the service schedule at the time , I never baulked at paying for the service on our T5.1 DSG when it was due .In fact I did ask for the old T5 Tiptronic to be serviced at 60000km when I first noticed a lumpy change between 3rd and 4 th , but VW told me they could not do it due to sealed for life nonsense their answer was if it was a bigger problem just change the auto a cool $12000 . Yeah sure VW we all have that sort of money lying around just waiting to go into VW,s pockets .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    I hear you Sunny.

    I had dealer say to me one day, the reason they were sealed for life was a way of spinning the PR of lower service costs.

    If the oil was cheaper it would lend to more regular services I am sure.. Years ago, I could easily change auto trans oil at about 80,000ks intervals on my PUG 505 GTi, new filter etc and was quick and dirt cheap to do. ZF transmission would go for 400,000 kms or more easily without dramas.

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