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Thread: Trailer harness/plug MY12 multivan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    South Melbourne
    Users Country Flag

    Trailer harness/plug MY12 multivan

    Hi all,
    I've just been quoted 500.00 plus gst for the fitting of a trailer plug.

    On my12 this is supposed to be simple?

    Can I buy the harness o/s ?

    Anyone know the tricks to switching the vans brain to recognise the trailer?


    Van due to be built week 49... Tick tick tick

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Please tell me that you are joking ? $500 for a trailer plug again more technology from manufactureres that is geared to the dealers profit margins . I have said it before you can stick CAN BUS wiring , for probably more than the last eighty years we could just wire up trailer lights to the existing tail lights and they worked fine as time has marched on and engineers and designers come up with this new fangled electronic technology we the end user have to suffer the consequeneces .There seems to be nothing we can do to our vans these days with out getting the VW Bible of the meaning of CAN BUS I,ll go and lie down in the corner now as I have just finished another rant on another thread so thats it for me . Howard

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I thought there was a feature added to MY2012 vans which made it a simple connection to a ready to go loom in the rear.

  4. #4
    IN2VWS Guest
    I also thought the MY12 vans were prepped for a trailer plug. Does the $500 include fitting the towbar?
    If it is a MY11 or earlier, trust me, the $500 including fitting is well worth it. Running the cables to the front of the van and into the dash, is a prick of a job. I did it once, and at that time I said that I would gladly pay the fitting charge next time.

    P.s. Howard - you should start your own topic where you can have all your rants in one place.....easier to find. What have we got so far? CAN Bus, Auto transmissions, special star head bolts.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Yeh Yeh I know another winging pom but geez it makes you feel good to get it off your chest , after all the way car technology is going drivers will go the way of the dinosaur . Just look at the changes coming cars that can supposedly foresee a collision and put the brakes on for you cruise control that applies the brakes if you get too close to another car/ lights that come on when you go into a dark enviroment /wipers that turn themselves on when a bird poops on your windscreen / all sorts of alarms to tell you when your car is going to have meltdown /gear boxes that change when they want to , where will it end . I reckon the technology is making drivers worse as they are becoming too reliant on the car to think for them . I would rather be in control of my car than it in control of me , and I would like to think that the reason I have a drivers license is that I can actually think and drive and make decisions myself . I again would add in the good old days to hook up a trailer plug all you had to do was to just fit the plug and cut into the wiring at the rear of the car Howard
    Now back to my corner for a lay down Ha Ha
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 25-11-2011 at 08:53 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    South Melbourne
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Yes the 500 was for the plug only, I'll go to a aftermarket guy for the bar. Like Amarok now, my 12 mv have the feeder harness all the way to the back. It's touted in their sales literature. Any way I guess soon enough the last part of the harness will get a spare part number and we'll see what it's worth. Then just need to find which switches on the cam bus module to allow for the voltage and block the park assist.

    Same ($$& happened with the vito I'm letting go...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Kilmore, Vic
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    Hey exvito, go and have a chat to Alistair at Melbourne Towbars
    I had a Hayman Reece towbar and wiring fitted for $850, about a year ago
    Included their own loom
    All works a treat
    2006 Multivan


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    South Melbourne
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thank you


    I've emailed them lets see....




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