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Thread: Toll road vehicle classification

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Vermont, Melbourne

    Toll road vehicle classification

    I was updating my ETAG info online the other day and was given an option of classifying my Transporter as LCV or Car. So I guess if I was carrying goods I would select "LCV" however on the other hand if the van was mostly empty it would be classed as Car. Are tools of trade defined as "Goods"? Any thoughts?
    2008 LWB 128KW 4 Motion Transporter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Is there a toll difference? You do raise an interesting point however. Say you have a Transporter which came into the country as a commercial vehicle, however you fitted it out with seats for your large family and only use it as a passenger car. Technically it originated as a LCV and would be tolled at a higher rate while in actual useage it's a private vehicle carrying your family. I think you'll find your ability to choose between LCV and car relates more to the vehicle's official certification with state/federal road authorities. EG: My Vicroads reg. windscreen sticker states a "G" code for commercial vehicle and a "VL" Fee Code for Vehicle light.
    Last edited by Tornado T5; 13-07-2009 at 09:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Seaford Victoria
    It makes no difference if your carrying goods or not. It goes bye the classification of your vehicle on your rego sticker. All SWB vans are classified VL(light vehicle) if they are commercially intended or not. There is a specific "tonne" rating(which escapes my small brain at the moment) that the Toll operators use for charging. I have been through this with the Victorian authorities before. My van was registered with citylink and eastlink as a light vehicle then about 8 months later they tried to charge me for LCV, after many phone calls I got to the right person and they reimbursed me what they had overcharged. So yes there is a pricing difference in Victoria anyway and if you own a SWB you are classified as VL. So you get charged car rates.
    Last edited by zoinks; 14-07-2009 at 08:47 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Users Country Flag

    Correcto mundo lads. in Victoria it is classified as a car on Citylink at least.


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