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Thread: Thought I bought a new transporter

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    The probllem with compliance plates is once the vehicle is first registered they will fit a AU compliance plate stating month and year , BUT come trade in time the smart arsed dealers will look at the BUILD date fitted at the factory and then proceed to roger you without lubrication , its the oldest con job in the industry . So like our van sold new say 2012 but compliance reads built 2011 !!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    North Sydney, NSW
    Thread Starter
    Last time I got some information the vehicle was in the country. Now it's not. Do we export vehicles?
    Anyway, from what I can see its a 2019 build and will arrive soon, which is good.

    It would be nice if dealers just told us the build month and year. Could the compliance date be more that one year different?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Users Country Flag

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    It,s hard to feel sympathy for dealers these days , I wonder if this particular dealer was trying to move 2018 plated stock and was using the
    "subject to availability clause to get a customer into an older van rather than new 2019 stock . A dealer here in Brisbane tried to pass off a demo van to me as "new "stock it was evident by the scratches on the rear floor it wasn,t . His excuse was oh the dealer principal used it to move a box of some kind in it from one part of the dealer ship to another I didn,t fall for his BS .
    Well, my 'Demo' said it had a couple of hundred k's on it on the net..................but it only had 56............and still had the protective plastic all over the outside when I went to view it.
    Of course it was over 12 months old but they just wanted it out of the yard.
    As for the OP.........the subject to availability was maybe because they had to confirm a car that wasn't in the yard at the time in case some other dealer grabbed it first.
    That said, it should only take one 'working day' at the most.
    Get your deposit back and go to another VW dealer would be my advice.
    I think you'll find the van will magically appear.
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

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