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Thread: Thank you Delivery Truck Driver :(

  1. #11
    IN2VWS Guest

    I had exactly the same thing happen to my van.The shop that I was parked outside of when it happened was very helpful.
    I asked them if they saw anyone hit my van. They told me they heard a loud crunch when the fruit and veg delivery driver went past my van. after some phone calls, I convinced the business owner to pay up.

    My glass was not smashed, but the rest had to be replaced. It cost me just over $300 for the parts from Burwin's. Took me an hour to replace it myself.

    The only fiddley bit was that all the antennas are located in that mirror.

    Last edited by IN2VWS; 26-05-2012 at 10:37 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikinoz View Post
    Contact his employer. They own the offending vehicle.
    True that. Don't waste any time and get on them. Spare spare parts might be cheap to find on the T4form or from ASV as they dismantle a T5 atm.

  3. #13
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    i'm looking at it from a few angles

    1: it's got nothing to do with me or my driving, so i dont care who pays as long as it's not me, call his work and let them/him sort it out.
    2: i go through insurance but lose the van for a day (van gone=no work, no pay, probably loss of about $1000 depending on Job) although i do have hire car option on my policy, but they probably wont give me a van... i'll get a getz or something!
    3: i get a quote for replacement, hit him for the cost and do it myself, lose no money except some time on the weekend doing it.
    4: undecided

    i have had no response from the guy after repeated sms to him, so I called Nrma this morning, to advise them of the situation. they told me they cant proceed with out the guys last name even if i have his licence number otherwise i have to pay the $800 excess. the driver was a little shirty about letting me see his licence fully so didnt get it but i did get the full licence number and the rego of the vehicle. I called his boss/work just then, to try and get his last name, they knew exactly who i was talking about, but the boss reckons he couldn't remember the bloke's last name either. Said he will talk to him monday. He was trying to say was i somehow partially to blame... i mean seriously, a stationary vehicle gets hit and the person who parked it is responsible, come off it!!!! everyone parking in that street parks right to the kerb as it is narrow but i've seen much bigger trucks trundle through there without destroying everything in their wake.

    i think now i'll call the Nrma back and give them the company name and let them chase it up.

  4. #14
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    I must be lucky, I've had two mirrors in accidents, both came off pretty much scratch free

    Another van drove past doing around 50ks, big bang and explosion of glass and plastic in front of me
    Knew straight away the **** had hit my mirror with his (how friggin close was he driving!!?)
    Got out, found absolutely nothing wrong with my T4 black plastic mirror, not even a mark
    His was all over the road in front of me
    His problem

    Second one was a couple of months ago, trundling down a road in a new estate looking for a lot number
    Right at the last second saw a security fence leaning out over the road
    Smacked into it fairly hard with the left mirror
    Got out and checked it all over, just the slightest of scratches over the edge of it
    And given it's a painted Multi mirror, very surprised no more damage than that
    After some washes it's now not noticeable

    I'm pretty impressed with them so far


  5. #15
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    does anyone know a good and cheap place to source the auto folding mirrors?

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    I was fitting a sunroof to a new Peugot 508 on Friday it had auto folding mirrors I can tell you where its parked at the moment

  7. #17
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    uk t4/t5 forum or asv

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