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Thread: T6 Underbody Plastic

  1. #21
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    Isn’t the T5’s 6sp tiptronic automatic transmission (Toyota baby) out our production for over 10year?

    More on topic now. I service quite a few T5s and also owned T5 4motion for 11 years and was very happy with it, the best van ever.
    Now, let’s not spoil the others T5 and T6 owners experience and don’t give the bad impression about quality.
    To make that clear there is no more 6speed auto in the T6 and in the T5 from 2010 model year at least.

    To all others who broken underbody plastic protectors.
    The Volkswagen commercial vehicles have their own faults just like any other brand.
    Though the plastic undershields are the best out there, here are the pictures of underfloor from the 2012 model driven by tradie electrician for 117,000km. They’re all intact and in perfect conditions. No flimsy plastic, but even the strong plastic can be broken if one drive in extreme situations. In which case you can’t blame it on manufacturer.

    It all looks very solid under the T5 and I believe the T6 as well. Here are some pictures and I will post some from the T6 later on.

    Please, don’t hesitate to post pictures of your broken underbody parts and for clarity pictures of the underbody floor as well.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
    Last edited by Transporter; 16-02-2019 at 04:48 PM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    The only issue we ever had with under body protection on our early T5 was lack of protection of the diesel fuel cooler , again bad planning by VW for local conditions as on ours it was the ONLY place that wasn,t protected and was directly behind the passengers front wheel . That same wheel is first one to go off road during normal driving and as happened in our case a rock got thrown up directly into the cooler with resultant fuel spewing out onto the road , when we stopped at the next set of lights at night mind you we took off and found ourselves in the middle of the intersection facing the oppositte way as it had coated the road with diesel and we all know how slippery that stuff can be against rubber . Then on our nice new T5.1 VW decided to be as tight as a fishes ahole and didn,t even fit an under engine cover that all our previos three Transporters had as standard .

  3. #23
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    Most of Transporters I see have the engine under tray.
    Agree with you on the fuel cooler, they could’ve put screen in front of it, though the airflow and cooling affect would be reduced. Again many don’t have any issue with it and on my 4motion I’ve never had an issue with it either. Of course you can be unlucky and small rock flung from the wheel can damage it as well it can damage anything unprotected under the van, incl. fuel tank, these things happen and I wouldn’t crucifie the manufacturer for that.

  4. #24
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    So has anyone been able to find aftermarket underbody protection that is actually available and doesn’t cost the ridiculous prices of the German Seikel products?

  5. #25
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    Mt Cotton
    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    Most of Transporters I see have the engine under tray.
    Agree with you on the fuel cooler, they could’ve put screen in front of it, though the airflow and cooling affect would be reduced. Again many don’t have any issue with it and on my 4motion I’ve never had an issue with it either. Of course you can be unlucky and small rock flung from the wheel can damage it as well it can damage anything unprotected under the van, incl. fuel tank, these things happen and I wouldn’t crucifie the manufacturer for that.
    I can assure you ours has no under engine cover like all our previous ones had and part of my point about local conditions may have been missed . In Europe they drive on the oppositte side of the road so chances of the fuel cooler being struck is almost impossible , in our country the left front wheel is the first one into the gravel at roads edge . Now I would never consider it a necessity to rejig the layout just for us but how hard would have it been to make suitable shield from perforated alloy to protect a vital part , sadly its again lack of recognizing local conditions due to lack of testing here .

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    I can assure you ours has no under engine cover like all our previous ones had and part of my point about local conditions may have been missed . In Europe they drive on the oppositte side of the road so chances of the fuel cooler being struck is almost impossible , in our country the left front wheel is the first one into the gravel at roads edge . Now I would never consider it a necessity to rejig the layout just for us but how hard would have it been to make suitable shield from perforated alloy to protect a vital part , sadly its again lack of recognizing local conditions due to lack of testing here .
    I’m sure if it was common problem they would’ve address the issue. But, it’s not so just because couple of unlucky ones travelling on rough roads they won’t change the production. Simple like that.

    You or anyone can call to spare parts and ask how many fuel coolers were sold.
    Don’t be surprised if it’s not even in the stock.

  7. #27
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    Mt Cotton
    Yes you are probably right but when a simple rock cause over $800 damage you get a bit peed off that it happens so easily . lets leave it at that .

  8. #28
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    T6 Underbody Plastic-t6-underbody-plastic-jpg
    Waiting dealership is under warranty or not.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Yes you are probably right but when a simple rock cause over $800 damage you get a bit peed off that it happens so easily . lets leave it at that .
    Speaking of rocks.........
    Got a bullseye on the screen of my new Crafter in the first month!
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

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