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Thread: T6 Fuse layout

  1. #1
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    T6 Fuse layout

    Has anyone found the layout (map) of the new T6 fuse box?

    I have blown the fuse for the interior lights and need to replace the fuse but can not see the fuse that is blown.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Please don't tell me VEEDUB have done it again , mongrels not supplying fuse layout AGAIN . I will bet that in the owners manual it gives you some BS about ongoing development of your van and they suggest you contact your nearest dealer for another wallet lightening visit . The only thing I can suggest is that when you do find the obvious fuse and its not blown you will have to hunt around for number 2 fuse which most likely is NOT listed . I find a lot of European cars use dual fuses for a lot of items and the mongrels don't tell you that . I spent an eternity in a BMW X5 trying to get the owners sunroof working found the sunroof fuse was fine so in despair I rang the local BMW dealer where I was told to check fuse number so and so yep you guessed it this was blown .The Beemer had two fuse boxes around 140 fuses from memory Why do they do that ?? Does the T6 have the same fuse boxes as the 2009 T5.1 ? check out the sticky post here T5 ESSENTIALS (from September 2009), Fuses location,
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 31-03-2016 at 07:22 PM.

  3. #3
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    Conspiracy theories aside...

    The main issue is that there are so many different variations of the fuse boxes in them, that they'd need to draw up and produce maybe 50 different fuse cards, then devise a process to ensure the right ones go in the right fuse boxes for the right van.

    The fuse layout in the workshop manual (online, dealer-only), is seriously pages and pages long. One fuse postition in one particular van, may not be the same as another. It's pretty much a process of elimination working out if the van has a certain option, what the fuse rating is, whether it's powered up off the ignition or the battery, and so on.

    My advice? Turn everything on, grab yourself a testlight, and start probing fuses.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Please don't tell me VEEDUB have done it again , mongrels not supplying fuse layout AGAIN . I will bet that in the owners manual it gives you some BS about ongoing development of your van and they suggest you contact your nearest dealer for another wallet lightening visit . The only thing I can suggest is that when you do find the obvious fuse and its not blown you will have to hunt around for number 2 fuse which most likely is NOT listed . I find a lot of European cars use dual fuses for a lot of items and the mongrels don't tell you that . I spent an eternity in a BMW X5 trying to get the owners sunroof working found the sunroof fuse was fine so in despair I rang the local BMW dealer where I was told to check fuse number so and so yep you guessed it this was blown .The Beemer had two fuse boxes around 140 fuses from memory Why do they do that ?? Does the T6 have the same fuse boxes as the 2009 T5.1 ? check out the sticky post here T5 ESSENTIALS (from September 2009), Fuses location,
    It should be the same.

  5. #5
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    The manual tells you how to change a fuse and how to identify if it is blown but not what each one does and tells you to consult a service technician if one is blown. Even the salesman said there would be diagram in the cover... lol.
    It is different to the T5 and T5.2.
    Will bull**** my way through at a service department tomorrow or I will be pulling out the multi meter.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    It should be the same.
    Should be the same but it is not.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    I don't buy into the story of multiple fuse cards , I would imagine that all of the vans would have the same fuse boxes and then the wiring looms would be the same but the components would not be in that van . I have pulled a part thousands of cars over the last fifty years and you can see wiring looms going to connector plugs with nothing plugged into the other side . It would not make sense for car makers to build the cars without having first designed a single loom for the fuse box to the first set of connectors that's when the looms would be different . All of our t4'S had the fuse layout printed onto the back of the fuse cover then our first T5's 2004 2005 had the fuse layout cards on the inside of the centre fuse box . Then our T5.1 no fuse card but the fuses were in the exact same places as the old ones , naturally there were some blanks where no wiring left the fuse box . Sorry it sounds like VW are treating customers like fools and it's not good enough .

  8. #8
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    You are wrong.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnowMotion View Post
    Should be the same but it is not.
    Post the picture of the fuse boxes.

    It should be fuse 24 (7,5A) in fascia2 (C) in the center of the dash under the ashtray.
    Last edited by Transporter; 01-04-2016 at 07:29 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton

    I take it you mean me Umai ? okay I will take the comment if I am wrong , but regardless of any wiring loom being different five or fifty different ones VW should not be so bad as to not supply the locations for the owner . I have read that they don,t trust a customer to replace a blown fuse with the wrong one lest cause a serious problem . Then if that was their rational then maybe VW should do what I found with Holden Astra , A bare connector touched the body and it blew the fuse I replaced it but it also did trigger a dead circuit via the onboard computer . So after trying to get it working again I disconnected the battery and it then worked again .. If VW is worth so many billions of $$$$$$ then they should spend it on the bleeding obvious .FUSE CARDS
    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    You are wrong.

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