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Thread: T5 Using oil

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    T5 Using oil

    Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this.
    I had my 3 yr service done 3 wks ago on my 2011 highline multivan, bought new and has always been serviced at the dealer it was bought from.
    Las week we drove interstate on a 2000k round trip. Last night went to take the kids somewhere local and as I started it on came the check oil level alert. I checked the dipstick and it's dry.
    Does this sound normal?
    In the last 3 yrs we have done similar trips and have never needed to top up the oil


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Not sure if it's relevant but from some reports 1 litre per 1000 kays is acceptable according to VW , seems a bit sus to me . Any engine that use that much oil must have something wrong . Jeez my old work bus has 253000 kays on the clock and its a lowly 2.0 litre petrol but does not use any where near that much lucky if it needs 1 litre after around 4000 kays travelled .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Brisbane, QLD.
    Users Country Flag
    Just keep an eye on it mate and report back. Could have an oil leak or not been topped up appropriately at service...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    unless you know the oil level at service time 3 weeks ago, I'd just top up ,then keep an eye on it.
    Actually I'd let the VW service know first, and see what they say.Could be their stuffup.

    Check for leaks underneath? Sump plug tight?Oil filter tight?

    Could be turbo, you can remove the large intake pipe near the EGR and check for oil in the intake, pre and post EGR if you're keen(lever up the large clip then pull the pipe off).Some oil film is normal AFAIK, due to the PCV valve
    Last edited by Rebuild; 29-01-2015 at 09:28 AM.
    04 T5

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Thread Starter

    Cheers for your suggestions
    I took it back to the dealer that serviced it again and they topped it up. Apparently 450ml, according to them that's all it takes to be off the dipstick.

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