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Thread: T5 Transporter Rocker Cover Gasket

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Alexandra Hills Qld
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    T5 Transporter Rocker Cover Gasket

    Hi All, have a small oil leak from three studs at the front of the rocker cover. Contacted the local VW dealer who advises that the gasket is not sold separately. They will provide the cover and gasket for $ 360.00. Does anyone know if this is correct and if not where I can obtain a gasket in Brisbane?

  2. #2
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    Check with GTI Imports they have helped a few van people out with parts I have heard of.
    Brian - (02) 9653 1114

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    More of the ridiculous situations we find ourselves having to tolerate , a whole rocker cover for the sake of a $20 gasket -seal , I remember some years ago when I tried to buy a broken accelerator cable for another make car , when it arrived it came with the actual accelerator pedal complete assembly in one bag and the cable in another bag both then inside another bag with you guessed it a price tag that was outrageous . Again a $15 cable that for some stupid reason was sold with something that would never wear out or break but ended up at around $160 . I just get so P>>>d off at this sort of rort , and if I am not mistaken VW will probably want you to pay a refundable extra cost that they will hold onto until you return the old part because they use the line that VW are trying to recycle as many metal parts as they can . Funny isn,t it you pay for a van and all its parts included but VW want any old parts back and do not even pay us a token amount for them . Crap on that system I own the old parts and if they want them back they can pay ME for them .There endeth todays rant Howard .

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    More of the ridiculous situations we find ourselves having to tolerate , a whole rocker cover for the sake of a $20 gasket -seal , I remember some years ago when I tried to buy a broken accelerator cable for another make car , when it arrived it came with the actual accelerator pedal complete assembly in one bag and the cable in another bag both then inside another bag with you guessed it a price tag that was outrageous . Again a $15 cable that for some stupid reason was sold with something that would never wear out or break but ended up at around $160 . I just get so P>>>d off at this sort of rort , and if I am not mistaken VW will probably want you to pay a refundable extra cost that they will hold onto until you return the old part because they use the line that VW are trying to recycle as many metal parts as they can . Funny isn,t it you pay for a van and all its parts included but VW want any old parts back and do not even pay us a token amount for them . Crap on that system I own the old parts and if they want them back they can pay ME for them .There endeth todays rant Howard .
    You need a Toyota van by the sound mate.

  5. #5
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    I have hit the same issue with VW a few times now too, although I have managed to fine an after market equivalent (or have had a part custom made) for less $$. To play devils advocate for a moment, it may be a case of when part XX breaks there is a good chance that part YY will break soon to due to wear/age so they package it up in a kit/set. I would like to believe that there is some serious thought that goes into these parts rather than them just being bastards.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  6. #6
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    Agreed. VW aren't silly. Slow moving stock (From the manufacturer's point of view) will always be a bit dearer. Their exchange parts setup is a good idea. It keeps the costs down at your end.

    In regards to the original poster, it will only be a rubber seal that sits in a channel in the rocker cover. Chances are the bolts have loosened off over time. Try cleaning it all off, and re-torquing the bolts.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Thank you. The leaks are from the studs behind the intake manifold. Its a lot of work to get access to them. If I go to that much trouble I would like to replace the gasket at the same time. I will continue to try to obtain one.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    yeah ive noticed a few rocker covers like that in vw range. Shows the gasket in etka but says non replacement part and you have to get whole cover.

    I agree its stupid

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by westyswagon View Post
    Thank you. The leaks are from the studs behind the intake manifold. Its a lot of work to get access to them. If I go to that much trouble I would like to replace the gasket at the same time. I will continue to try to obtain one.
    In the situation like yours, I use with the great success Loctite and other similar products. Try Loctite Grey Maxx between the rocker cover gasket and the cylinder head.

    Full Product List Loctite - Henkel

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton

    Quote Originally Posted by mikinoz View Post
    You need a Toyota van by the sound mate.
    The issue with the accelerator cable and pedal WAS a bloody Toyota van.

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