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Thread: T5...and then it went bang...looks like another costly careless mistake

  1. #21
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    ...or...and I hate to say this...maybe my mechanic is taking me for a bit of a ride?
    He's also got me terrified of future repair the point I'm back considering a shift to a Hiace (I do remember your nooooo!!! or a Commodore I had hoped to keep this vehicle into my pending retirement...but retired people simply can't afford 3k here and 6k there
    I mean there's nothing for him in my changing vehicle...he's getting the repair work anyway...and more of it than he should if his theories are correct. Maybe he's just a modern euro vehicle bigot?
    I am currently going over all these T5 threads and trying to understand what the repair bills might be into the future...and what I might be able to do the prevent/reduce them. It is a real issue for me. Sorry about coming across as a whinger and whiner.
    __________________________________________________ __________________________
    VW Transporter T5 MY10 Van M 6spd 2.0DT 103kw White. Long wheel base. Standard roof?

  2. #22
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    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Your mechanic is being a bit old school...mine is the same. Guessing future repair bills is simply an opportunity to get a consulting psychiatrist rather than giving you any comfort...

    Ultimately, barring accidents and incidents, what has gone wrong with your van has already gone wrong. Everything from here on in is mostly routine maintenance. Which will never be cheap.

    My 14 yr old T4 costs me a grand or so each year...yet it still has its original discs and original clutch. The things that break (air con, ignition) have broken...the rest is just wear and tear.

    My intention is to drive mine until it dies...and then resuscitate simply because its not worth anything anyway and it'll still be cheaper than anything equivalent new.

  3. #23
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    Thanks very much for the feedback. Sounds like you're doing exactly as I want to do. Yes...I do realise that I am focusing entirely on the negatives atm...not also factoring in the positives like great drive, great fuel economy, it's already fitted out with everything I need, not having to go looking at alternatives, not having to sell the T5, not ending up with the same problems with a different vehicle...but if I am going to make the change, then I can still afford to now, but probably can't in 5 years, if I then start having a series of very expensive problems, that could cost me 10k plus, that I could have put towards something not diesel that is less inclined to have expensive repairs.
    I am unhappy with myself that I didn't more thoroughly research the T5 before I bought it 4-5 years ago - because it was a much too important decision to impulse buy on - but I did - had lots of other things going on back then - and it was everything I wanted - and I assumed that German commercial designed and built meant it would be rock solid reliable for the long term - not so high tech and potentially not made to last for the long term. If I had done that research properly I might have chosen differently. I am now spending some time each evening going through here and the UK site to get a better feel for the possible future with my T5 (as you say - hopefully I won't drive myself crazy - I might even start up a specific thread on it if I think there is anything of value to share - from where I am coming from.
    With your T4, aren't they a far more reliable vehicle than the T5? In their time? But now I suppose they are all getting a bit long in the tooth, no matter how well they've been looked after.
    __________________________________________________ __________________________
    VW Transporter T5 MY10 Van M 6spd 2.0DT 103kw White. Long wheel base. Standard roof?

  4. #24
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    I loved my T4 I bought it back in 2000 only had 20.000 km on the clock , it was a great van had no problems until I got into an argument with the back end of a car transporter . Funny that I tried to back off the back of the transporter with one wheel firmly jammed under the drivers door DOH , tore the axle clean off the gearbox housing along with the front guard and half the front door . So new T5 and it's been pretty damn good now 260.000km and going strong has its regular services and timing belt water pump done so its all good . It seems that VW have woken up to some issues with their designs and technology so the problems seen in the early T5 autos for instance have been addressed in the upgrade model .

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seano View Post
    Your mechanic is being a bit old school...
    Most definitely But I think (hope) he has my best interests at heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seano View Post
    Ultimately, barring accidents and incidents, what has gone wrong with your van has already gone wrong. Everything from here on in is mostly routine maintenance. Which will never be cheap. My 14 yr old T4 costs me a grand or so each year...
    And I guess this is what I want to try and make an estimate of now. Over the next 10 to 20 years, as I move into retirement, what's that likely to cost me with this T5, compared to say a Hiace (yes I know) or a Commodore wagon (if I can squeeze into it) or whatever else might be a better option...if one exists. And I am happy if one doesn't. I want to keep it. But will I be able to afford to? I have now heard/read too many things about euro vehicles now being built for 100,000km, the price of VW parts and T5 reliability, for me not to do this now, as a result of my "impulse" purchase 4-5 years back.
    Last edited by aSimpleLife; 24-06-2015 at 05:00 AM. Reason: typo's
    __________________________________________________ __________________________
    VW Transporter T5 MY10 Van M 6spd 2.0DT 103kw White. Long wheel base. Standard roof?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    tore the axle clean off the gearbox housing along with the front guard and half the front door
    Sounds a bit like me trying to go up my steep driveway with the handbrake on

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    the problems seen in the early T5 autos
    I've got a manual, so I am not yet sure whether that's an advantage or not. Was talking to my mechanic about Commodore wagons and his advice was if I want to keep my ongoing costs down I need to go with the auto over the manual. That has certainly changed over the last 30 years in my memory. And he reckons it's not because the volume differential is 10 to 1...although that must be part of creating more reliable technology?
    __________________________________________________ __________________________
    VW Transporter T5 MY10 Van M 6spd 2.0DT 103kw White. Long wheel base. Standard roof?

  7. #27
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    Was this mechanic talking about the Commodore auto or a VW auto ? I do not subscribe to the theory that "modern "auto's are better than manuals as VW ones are full of electronic components . The early T5 had the auto sold as "sealed for life" so VW would never service it , it was as I found out a recipe for disaster . As I stated earlier VW IMO learnt from that little caper and changed the whole auto box to allow for servicing and filter change as its external . Manuals are just so much stronger with no electronics to make life hard . If there is any glitch in VW manuals its not the box its the DMF 'dual mass flywheel ' unlike a conventional flywheel which is a single piece of steel the DMF is made up of several parts and the drive is transmitted via two heavy duty springs around the perimeter of the flywheel . If you load up the van and try to reverse uphill you can guarantee the DMF has been then given the kiss of death from that moment on . Regardless of the issues that have been raised about Euro cars etc there is not necessarily any other brand that is without its problems . I still love our vans it's just that I hate the fact that manufacturers are continually building new designs and technology and there is no cheap way to repair them if they break down . There is a joke doing the rounds these days / question what is the most popular accessory for VW's answer Extended Warranty .

  8. #28
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    No...he was talking about the commodore autos.
    Sounds like I am less worse off with the manual. Thanks for the heads up about the flywheel risk.
    I'll have to tell my customer that joke - when I first bought it - and he had a passat - he implored me to take out the biggest transferable extended warranty I could get my hands on - I of course laughed at that...back then...not now.
    Yes I love my van too...and I want to believe that the worst of my big expenses are behind me for a while's just that I don't feel comfortable about that yet. I am not trying to bag T5's. Just as someone without a lot of mechanical nouse, I feel I've got to understand it better, to know if I can afford it in another 5 years +
    __________________________________________________ __________________________
    VW Transporter T5 MY10 Van M 6spd 2.0DT 103kw White. Long wheel base. Standard roof?

  9. #29
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    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    My T4 has the DMF...still the same one after 235,000 km.

    I bought mine new on impulse over the phone from 900 km away without actually driving it...or even any T4. Or any other water cooled VW. And I was 700 km from the nearest VW dealer.

    Don't let your imagination run away with reality!

  10. #30
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    My T5 has 265000 kays and the DMF has been shagged for nearly 8 years , I have learnt not to try and place the van in a place where I have to reverse out up any slope . When I changed the clutch at 180000 I had no idea that it was DMF if I had known the symptoms were from the flywheel I would have fitted solid one . Lets face it the solid one has been around for nearly 100 years it never wears out ! and cannot disintegrate if it fails . The only real advantage is for diesel engines as it smooth's out the throb of the engine . Petrol engines DO NOT need the DMF especially if its a small capacity engine . Thats probably why the T4 with 2.5 engine will be fine but the 2.0 petrol in the T5 is way underpowered {but still reliable }

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