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Thread: T5 Tail Gate Top Brake Light

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Nth Queensland
    Users Country Flag

    T5 Tail Gate Top Brake Light

    I just had an interesting failure. The O Ring on my T5 tail gate brake light failed, causing the red plastic lens to fall out and break. The new assembly (which Cairns VW had in stock!) cost $108.49. Simply undo the three screws in the top inside of the door, undo the loom and reconnect the new assembly.3 minute job.
    Part number 7E0945097A

    Best wishes all.

    Last edited by Baytown; 12-09-2012 at 03:08 PM.
    2007 T5 Van LWB 2.5 Manual remapped (White)
    2013 Amarok Highline Auto (Natural Grey)

    Nth QLD

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
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    Yes, I've seen the post with the same problem here while ago.

    Another one to look for is the rear view mirrors. The mirror separates from the plastic backing and drops down, so if you see it moving while driving, you can peal it off and reattach it with 3M double sided tape to save some money, they aren't cheap if you need them in hurry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Thanks for the tip, I have just checked mine. My lens appeared to always stand out from the door metal a bit, and I can see why now. The tension of the three screws inside only pulls on the black backing part which is attached with flimsy plastic lugs to holes in the red lens. I have now fed a small ziptie through each of the two holes in the red lens and around the back of the back part, so when the three screws are tightened they pull on the zipties and hold the lens tight against the door metal, this prevents it ever falling out and also ensures the gasket seal prevents water going into the door.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Nth Queensland
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    No worries Brian.
    Yep, the little things can cause a fair bit of trouble. I certainly didn't want water inside my rear hatch from the faulty light, and I'm not the type who copes well with things not working.

    Best wishes fellas.

    2007 T5 Van LWB 2.5 Manual remapped (White)
    2013 Amarok Highline Auto (Natural Grey)

    Nth QLD


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