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Thread: T5 Soft discs

  1. #21

    Quote Originally Posted by GUV View Post
    Hi Greg, The Bendix have a different sensor connector but apart from that they couldn't be too much different as they have been on my van for the last 20,000 km's with no problems, they have also been fitted to two other vans before mine that I know with no problems either.
    Looking at them I can see they'd physically fit, but from what I can see the lugs look slightly different... may not be a issue, but that's often something that can lead to noise.

    With alot of this stuff you'll have to bear with us. We very rarely use Bendix's catalog to look up Euro stuff, we'll either use ATAP's (TRW Lucas importer) online catalog, or our hard copy Remsa catalog, which is straight from Europe and easily the most comprehensive catalog I've ever seen at 1088 pages! So often we get a heap of crap that isn't even available in Australia, and often two pads which Remsa list as different, someone like Bendix with their DB numbers will only list one, and do stuff like only manufacturer the smaller of the two thicknesses etc, or make a shape that fits both.

    Having the greatest catalog in the world can be extremely helpful, especially with Euro and Import stuff, but can also work against you in a small market like Australia...
    GSL RallySport 1300 884 836
    Sick of paying too much for performance brake pads? Want high performance with low rotor wear?
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  2. #22
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    Transporter, I only do about 20,000 K's a year of which 12,000 would be city driving, I am a fairly heavy on the brake's (drive the van like its a car) I’ll check the wear over the weekend & come back to you.

    Greg, you are correct with the comment about the noise, there is a slight noise as the van recovers after a heavy braking moment but nothing during normal driving, I have another set of new Bendix pads in the shed & will most definitely be using them when these are worn out, but I still haven’t found a dust free set for the back so if you do come up with some please let us know.


  3. #23

    QFM HPX is dust free, but I'll have to check whether they do them. If not, we can get them custom made by QFM but it's a few bucks extra. I'll have to have a look after the 8th, as we leave soon for the WRC...

    GSL RallySport 1300 884 836
    Sick of paying too much for performance brake pads? Want high performance with low rotor wear?
    QFM Performance Pads

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by GUV View Post
    Transporter, I only do about 20,000 K's a year of which 12,000 would be city driving, I am a fairly heavy on the brake's (drive the van like its a car) I’ll check the wear over the weekend & come back to you.

    Greg, you are correct with the comment about the noise, there is a slight noise as the van recovers after a heavy braking moment but nothing during normal driving, I have another set of new Bendix pads in the shed & will most definitely be using them when these are worn out, but I still haven’t found a dust free set for the back so if you do come up with some please let us know.

    Grant, how did you go with checking that wear on the front brake pads?

    I bought the set of Bendix DB1404 GCT, just out of curiosity and that sensor wire can be used, just re-use the connector from old pad (cut off and solder on, insulate well), the wire is long enough to be connected at the same spot as originally.
    Pads fit in “ok”, and yes the lugs as mentioned are a bit different shape, but the active braking surface area is the same.

    After 70,000km my front rotors are down to 26mm and are close to min thickness of 25.5mm, so I’m getting the slotted discs for the front.

  5. #25
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    Sorry I didn't report back sooner.

    They have only worn I'd say a 1/3, so I should get 50,000 km out of them.

    How did you go with the QFM pads Greg?

    Last edited by GUV; 24-09-2009 at 06:17 PM.

  6. #26

    Sorry mate, working off DB1404, can supply in a QFM HPX (Basically a Bendix Ultimate equivalent, but very low dust and rotor wear. Also the pad that QFM put in their '4WD' box).

    Won't have the wear sensor, but the more I talk to people the less of an issue that seems to be, so either close the loop up, tell the computer to not worry about it, or use the old one.

    DB1404 HPX is $79, and in stock.

    For those who want a more OEM replacement (ie. dust and a wear sensor), Remsa pads to suit DB1404 are $109.
    GSL RallySport 1300 884 836
    Sick of paying too much for performance brake pads? Want high performance with low rotor wear?
    QFM Performance Pads

  7. #27
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    Brake pads for T5 Bendix DB1404 GCT

    Difference between OEM and Bendix DB1404:
    Back plate has no anti-squeal shims and end lugs have smaller contact area with brake caliper holder on Bendix pads.

    Last edited by Transporter; 14-02-2011 at 03:51 PM.

  8. #28
    Ok yep, Bendix doesn't have a equivalent to that, but as you've found, any DB1404/DB1351/DB1510 etc will fit. We carry DB1510 in both HPX and A1RM to cover all those numbers.

    In a Remsa, which will be an exact copy of OEM with regards to shape and sensor:
    GSL RallySport 1300 884 836
    Sick of paying too much for performance brake pads? Want high performance with low rotor wear?
    QFM Performance Pads

  9. #29
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    Installed slotted front discs with Bendix DB1404. The brakes feel more bitie, much better now and I hope for cleaner wheels.
    Disc P/N is RDA7049S

    Last edited by Transporter; 14-02-2011 at 03:49 PM.

  10. #30
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    Aug 2008

    Man van is in getting a service today and they rang to say rotors are below minimum thickness. I also need new pads.
    Last edited by Ivo; 06-10-2009 at 10:53 AM.
    2014 T5.1 Multivan Tuned by Pendle Performance Australia

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