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Thread: T5 oil leaks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    T5 oil leaks

    Hi all,

    First real post on here so go easy on me
    I picked up a 2013 Multivan TDI400 (cfca) a few weeks ago with a dsg issue very cheap. Plan is for it to become a weekend camper for me and my partner once it's hopefully fixed up.

    I'm waiting for a vcds box before I tackle the dsg so for now I've turned my focus to the engine. It's done ~250k KMs so hoping the EGR cooler hasn't done too much damage (wish I'd googled that before buying it). I drove it home 60-70kms on a uvp with no real issue aside from the dsg not wanting 6th gear, engine felt strong.

    Upon further inspection I found a lot of oil on everything but particularly bad at the timing end of the top of the motor. Pulling the timing cover off revealed a lot of oily grime around the main camshaft pulley and the hpfp. I'm hoping this isn't a Hpfp fault as the oil doesn't smell like diesel, suspect it's tracked down from the top of the motor but confirmation would be appreciated.

    The rocker cover gasket was changed last September so unlikely to be that, cam seal is my next guess.
    I cleaned the motor down well so hoping I can track the fresh leaks now....

    Does anyone have any other suggestions for how I can narrow it down further?

    Pics aren't the best but oil definitely starts above the HPFP.
    T5 oil leaks-pxl_20240301_231614531-mp-jpg
    T5 oil leaks-pxl_20240310_004546854-mp-jpg
    T5 oil leaks-pxl_20240310_000558351-mp-jpg

    Thanks in advance,
    Last edited by Jordusaurus; 11-03-2024 at 10:29 PM. Reason: Added pictures

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag
    I''ll start by saying that I am not familiar with these engines........but a cam seal seems like a likely curprit, but dont rule out that it could just be oil from when the rocker cover was leaking that was never cleaned up. You have done the right thing by degreasing and cleaning it all up and just keep an eye on it for the next few weeks.

    Looking at your photos the oil leak does not look fresh which leads me to think its possibly left over from when the rocker cover gasket was leaking.

    Not sure when the timing belt was last replaced, but seeing its been exposed to oil for a period of time it might be a good idea to get it replaced soonish once you sort out the leak.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 12-03-2024 at 09:22 AM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2024
    Thread Starter

    That'd be great if so, really hope so haha
    It seems fresh in a few spots but agree mostly old and no saying the fresh isn't just a puddle from before it was fixed. Suspect it hasn't been driven much since then before the gearbox went.

    Timing belt was done at the same time as the rocker cover gasket so 7 or so months ago. Should hopefully be good enough for a period of time and then will just chuck a new belt on to cover myself once I'm confident the motors solid.

    Hoping to do everything myself but will see how I go, have done timing before but with the engine on a stand so a whole different game haha

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