Not sure of its location but check inside the socket for something someone has stuck in there , many years back I had a customer whose centre console socket kept blowing the fuse. Turned out that someone in Holden thought it was clever to put the socket in the centre console , only problem was the owner also put loose change in there as well , I replaced the fuse and all was well next day it was blown again so we replaced it again and it was all good finally after the third fuse I had a poke around and found a ten cent coin was sitting in the socket as he drove it moved and made contact with the contacts which blew the fuse . so each time we replaced it the coin was not contacting the points but once he went round corners etc it moved and shorted it out again . Just an idea for you to check .
Thanks Sunny I wish this problem would make me money but think it's going to cost me. No coin in socket, any other ideas?