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Thread: T5 gearbox oil service

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Wamberal, NSW
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    Thanks everyone for the info. I usually do all the servicing myself, Is the filter directly above the sump once you remove it? Do you recommend me doing this or giving it to an auto expert? When I was looking under the bonnet I noticed there is no dipstick so was concerned about ensuring the correct level once oil was changed

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    You need to buy or make adaptors to suit the oil bottle and inspection hole in the bottom of the pan.

    The transmission is gravity-filled.

    The filter is above the pan.

    To drain, you remove the inspection plug, then the level tube which is in the same hole.

    To re-fill, you reinstall the level tube, fill the transmission, run the engine to get the transmission oil up to temperature, and let the excess oil drain out, before re-fitting the inspection plug.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    if you wanna do a partial oil change yourself,
    how to change T5 Auto Gearbox Oil - The Brick-yard
    BTW, seven bolts on the pan, not six

    Genuine VW auto oil spec is G052 025 for my 09K gearbox.
    The Penrite DX-VI is no longer recommended, but i have used it for the 2nd change at 137K just now

    as Umai says,
    I did the above before finding the level tube in the sump pan, so the easier drain is to remove the tube.It is only plastic so make sure your 5mm key is fully seated

    Last edited by Rebuild; 01-01-2014 at 10:48 PM.
    04 T5

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A last comment:
    So the failures that have occurred with these trans were not caused by "gambling" on VW's part (re Filled for life, and their choice of fluid) ?
    When one considers the failure rate of these trans, it would be in one's best interest to seek out a more robust fluid and an actual service procedure, Why would one follow a system that
    had approval but has resulted in failures ?
    VW have agreed by actually having a service schedule for them now.
    Well done doing your own work Low Rida, just take your time and be thorough, save some money, and know it's done right.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrotek View Post
    A last comment:
    So the failures that have occurred with these trans were not caused by "gambling" on VW's part (re Filled for life, and their choice of fluid) ?
    I don't see how this kind of thinking will help you or justifies using the fluid that is not approved?
    Hence my saying don't gamble with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrotek View Post
    When one considers the failure rate of these trans, it would be in one's best interest to seek out a more robust fluid and an actual service procedure, Why would one follow a system that
    had approval but has resulted in failures ?
    There is not such a thing as more robust fluid and if there would be a more suitable fluid then the VAG would be the most reliable source to get the alternative fluid recommended.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrotek View Post
    VW have agreed by actually having a service schedule for them now.
    Well done doing your own work Low Rida, just take your time and be thorough, save some money, and know it's done right.
    ...and as they keep the same specs, that indicates me that it is the best fluid for this transmission.

    I've always been recommending to people; change the fluids more often. Very small percentage listen, mostly people think that all mechanics are just after their money.

  6. #16
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    I am still with Transporter on this one , I just wish I had done more research when ours first showed some problems . But at the time I was a dedicated VW customer who foolishly believed their factory instructions NOT to service the auto , if I had known better and also knew about the internal filter etc I may have done things differently . And then when VW did change their mind and told owners they could be serviced in 2012 again I did not inquire about the filter being done , so they just changed the fluid leaving the filter partially blocked obviously and also left all the sludge in the sump pan . So they then refilled and that meant that the new fluid was instantly contaminated and the rest is history [so was the auto]

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hi Ian,

    I use and recommend ****** in West Gosford (just past Bunnings). Done three tranny services there for my T5 '05 at approx $300 ea.

    So far so good.

    Edited post so P.M. if more info needed.
    Last edited by WambyMc; 06-01-2014 at 03:07 PM.

  8. #18
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    watch out for the flak mate.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Thank you everyone for the advice, I will let you know how I get on
    Cheers Ian

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Queenscliff, NSW

    How did you get on Ian?

    I am just having my 2011 T5.1 manual (done 30k's) in for a check up of the gearbox fluid. I know different to yours but I'm interested in any of the issues. Mine has developed a shudder/judder when pulling away in 1st and 2nd, only when warmed up. I will prob post a thread as I can't find anything recent info for this problem. My mech' has just called and said the g'box level is low, so that may be the problem. Otherwise probably the DMF which I will have to take to Bill Buckle here on the northern beaches (unless there are better recommendations!).


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