You should be able to buy the manual for a few dollars here. You can save them as PDFs.
Hi all I am the new bloke to the forum with the seized Transporter (128kw AXE engine)
I have had the van towed back to my workshop and removed and stripped the engine.
Surprisingly the engine is in very good condition.
A surge of oil from the failed seal in the Turbo has caused a con rod to bend when the piston hit it, in turn jamming the engine without causing any other damage.
I am trying to obtain the tightening torque specs for all engine bolts and the timing arrangements for re-fitting the head.
Any assistance would be appreciated. (VW will sell their parts but are not of any assistance with any technical info)
You should be able to buy the manual for a few dollars here. You can save them as PDFs.
Thanks Gavin that is an excellent site. I downloaded and printed a 175 page manual for $7.00 Australian.
So the engine hydrolocked on a load of oil?
cylinder head torques for AXE
Torque settings - The Brick-yard
04 T5