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Thread: T5 DSG dropping gear? WTF HELP?

  1. #11
    IN2VWS Guest

    Any update on the progress......or lack of?

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IN2VWS View Post
    Any update on the progress......or lack of?
    had to grab some gear from the van yesterday for work, got to have a chat with the actual tech working on it.

    he explained he had hooked it up when it first came in and that it had registered no faults, but he figured it wouldn't be towed in if there was nothing so took it for a drive. nothing for first few km then lane changing it started and he had to limp it back to the workshop.
    he checked and found there was an update for the gearbox which i think some have discussed on here for fixing the lag in the gearbox on takeoff. so applied the update and out for another test drive on the same route got to same point and nothing happened, kept going to last phase of drive they do which is F3 from Wahroonga to Mt Colah exit and back to dealer via pacific hwy. all was going well until he hit the on ramp the the freeway and then it started, he said he nearly crapped himself cause there are semi's and everything all around and suddenly with no power. limped back to dealer again and then he contacted Volks. Aust. he wants them to come up with the next plan of attack. that's where it stood yesterday morning with no info back from them yet.

  3. #13
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    T5 DSG dropping gear? WTF HELP?

    Just had a call from Vw saying they are replacing the mechatronics unit. Part is on order and once it arrives they will assign a tech to it early next week with the van hopefully ready to pickup by Thursday or Friday. I asked if the mecha unit is not a fix what the next step will be, the response was new gearbox.

  4. #14
    IN2VWS Guest
    Good that they are doing something for you........
    Bad that you have to wait for parts to arrive.......

    You considering getting the extended warranty?

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by IN2VWS View Post
    Good that they are doing something for you........
    Bad that you have to wait for parts to arrive.......

    You considering getting the extended warranty?

    yeah i think it's worth the thought, is it a standard price or does it vary from dealer to dealer? whats the process involved?

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Nice to see a positive result from a dealer , prices for warranty extensions vary , we were quoted $3600 when we bought our new T5 last year . As a side note nice to hear that a mechanic nearly soiled his pants during test drive wouldn't it be nice if a representative from VW Australia could experience what owners have to experience then maybe they would be a little more sympathetic when it comes to a claim for what sometimes can be downright dangerous in a near new van . Am I alone in worrying about the DSG or do others have concerns ?

  7. #17
    IN2VWS Guest
    Nope, I am not too concerned.....but for peace of mind, I will be getting the extended new car warranty.
    Price, I believe you can shop around and get it cheaper. There was a user on here that was able to get them for us at a discounted rate. Not sure if he is still around.

  8. #18
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    Mt Cotton
    Someone send out a search party I am sure we can get him some business , but really it seems a bit rich having to take out an extended warranty when in this day and age these things should be lasting longer than they are . VW make a diesel engine which when serviced regularly will last for many hundreds of thousands of kays but the auto may decided to give up the ghost well in advance of the engines life expectancy , as was our experience with the T5 Tiptronic only 135000 kays and the auto shot seems way to soon for me considering the engine will last probably more than double that of the box .

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Ringwood, Victoria

    T5 DSG dropping gear? WTF HELP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Nice to see a positive result from a dealer , prices for warranty extensions vary , we were quoted $3600 when we bought our new T5 last year . As a side note nice to hear that a mechanic nearly soiled his pants during test drive wouldn't it be nice if a representative from VW Australia could experience what owners have to experience then maybe they would be a little more sympathetic when it comes to a claim for what sometimes can be downright dangerous in a near new van . Am I alone in worrying about the DSG or do others have concerns ?
    No you are not alone. If a car loses drive you can have a multitude of life-threatening issues, like crossing a road in a gap that might be too small but you can still make it, this now becomes you plastered all over the front of a b double.

    I have sought legal advice over this and am in the process of drafting an official partition to be sen to the department of transport and infrastructure so as a government 'please explain' is issued for all the dsg boxes.

    Stage 2+ Intercooler Carbon Intake Downpipe Swaybar DV+ Remsa.

  10. #20
    IN2VWS Guest

    Thats great.....but, just to clarify, your car with the DSG is NOT a Transporter.
    Some people get confused when the problems with passenger cars are aired on the Transporter forum.

    The DSG in your passenger cars are a different animal than what is in our Transporters. I fully acknowledge the problems with the VW passenger car DSG's, and IMO VW should step up to the plate and fix the problem.

    Sorry to jump on you, but it grates on me when folks link the problems with passenger cars and Transporter tiptronics, with the Transporter DSG's.....Like the guy last week with a 2006 Transporter that honestly believes that he has a DSG.

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