Okay lets see yes guilty now my turn to RANT but Transporter you for got to mention the number of posts on VW's Facebook Page that I have made , and believe me I have not held back on how I was treated by their Customer NON Care team last year in response to an $11000 rebuild of a major part of our van which I honestly expected to last a hell of a lot longer than it did if anyone thinks 135000 kays from an auto is acceptable today then they must have more money than sense .I also raised other questions in regards to our new T5 and they also gave me the lame factory excuses for their shortcomings . As for Old Autos out of all of the cars I have driven and owned over the last 47 years not one of them ever needed to be rebuilt and I had autos in all but one . I could also say that out of all these autos they were serviced at regular intervals and were coupled to either V8 engines or powerful 6 cylinders . . My beef has been VW saying they do not need to be serviced and just trot out some lame reason that their engineers can make something to last all over the world . As has been proven VW admit that a hot climate country will be detrimental to an autos life expectancy .End Rant part 1 . Part 2 Tig -uan I do now how to drive and enjoy both manuals as my work T5 is a manual , but I do not agree with the sentiments if you prefer superior function over reliability NO , disagree I do not care how good it goes I do care how long it will last because it will cost a bloody fortune if it does fail and do you honestly think VW will help NO {unless its inside warranty} I also do not agree that I have to adjust my driving for something that should not happen , why should I have to change from auto to manual mode to descend a hill because If I don't the engine revs it 's tits off !! Same for open road driving pull out to over take and as happened recently pulled out to over take and the DSG downshifted to such a low gear that I had for some seconds no forward acceleration I had to very quickly make other arrangements to get back into my side of the road > And you think that's acceptable today ?
No as I said previously even the Tiptronic did not behave this way and without a shadow of doubt none of the "old "autos had this problem .END OF RANT no more input from me on this one , I do hope Craig can find what he is after and that our personal opinions do not put him off buying a T5 , last bit Craig I love our VW vans to drive etc but I just hate some of the stupid technology .