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Thread: T5 disks and pads.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Perth, WA

    T5 disks and pads.

    I've read an old thread here about replacement disks and pads, however the last post was a while ago. Just wondering what peoples thoughts are now on rotor brands and pads that aren't as dusty as the OEM ones. Interestingly, my T5.1 has just clocked over 100K and just done a service. Mechanic said disks an rear were under spec, but the pads were about half left to go. I said, that's a bit weird for the rear to go first and they said you must have had the pads changed at some point. Nope, no pad changes. Is this normal? Both for the rear disks to wear out first, and secondly not even change a set of pads and the disk is already below spec?

    Seeing as the van is getting a bit long in the tooth i'll be starting to do all the servicing myself. First car I have owned that I haven't serviced myself, and that's because it's the first diesel i've had, and the need for a OBD scanner. And on that front, whats the general consensus these days on the cheaper bluetooth dongles and phone apps for doing simple diagnostics?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Users Country Flag
    My rears where replaced first then the fronts 15000 later. Gravel road dust is all I could put it down too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I would suggest you contact Brakes Direct [GSL Rally Sport ] they used to be sponsors of VW watercooled , they have one of the best selections and they deliver Australia wide . I have been using them for all three of our vans from my sons T4 through to our 3 T5,s

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Not far from Cooma
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    Do the pads or rotors have any fancy electronic sensors or tricks or do the rotors just skip over the wheel studs and the pads slide in and out of the calipers like other vehicles?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    There are usually a sensor on opposite corners of the car built into the pads themselves , this way you get a better idea of wear . You will need to remove the calipers to fit new rotors so its best to do pads and rotors together depending on kilometers travelled or how big a lip is on the rotor itself . No the pads can,t be fitted like other cars you do need to remove the caliper to fit new ones as they fit in from underneath the caliper plus you need to push the piston back to fit new pads . The rear ones need a special tool or home made one like I did as the piston needs to be wound back in as thats is how they self adjust for the handbrake . Depending on how much of a lip on the rotor there is you may need to lever old pads back against the piston back to even remove the caliper .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Perth, WA
    Thread Starter
    Oh, didn't know about the rewinder tool. Another thing to note. So what brand of pads out there are less dusty and still work OK. In the last thread, looks like Transporter (mod) changed from RDA to DBA rotors due to distortion. See a few recommending bendix pads which have always been the go to for me in the past. Any particular models people suggest?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Again talk to these guys they are very knowledgable about brakes etc .

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