QLD Bull-bars.
Rockhampton, QLD 4700
p: 1800 773093
As they have made great T4 bars in the past.
Folks I live in Queensland, anyone know a place in Queensland that supplies air bag rated bull bars to multivan comfortlines. I live in the country and animal strikes are a big problem.
QLD Bull-bars.
Rockhampton, QLD 4700
p: 1800 773093
As they have made great T4 bars in the past.
06 Jetta/09 Pirelli/DSG
08 T5 BPC/Auto
08 Caddy Maxi life TDI/DSG
12 Up!.
How is the under floor oil cooler going on the gravel roads? I was driving on several gravel roads during the Christmas holidays and I noticed stones wedged in the fins and some bent fins where stones had hit but nothing that seems to matter.
I regularly drive at 100 to 120 on gravel so maybe the stones hit harder than for more cautious drivers but it (the cooler) does look very vulnerable.
Ex 2004 Transporter TDI T4
2007 Multivan Comfortline T5 128kw TDI Auto
Wandaria........http://www.ettvehicles.com/index.htm, based in Sydney, build ambulances. Their T5 based ambulances often have a bullbar fitted...regrettably an over bumper arrangement....but what the hey, eh? I suggest you ask them where they get them from.
The oil (?) cooler was one of the first things I noticed under the T5.......and thought was.......'vulnerable'. It really needs a perforated bash plate...
see Bocar's web site, at http://www.bocar.com.au/4wd/4WD_VOLK..._CARAVELLE.htm
I spoke with a company in Brisbane, technically speaking the t5 bullbar will fit the multivan, the only reason they don't is because, waite for it, there are parking sensors on the front of the car, which would be covered/removed if you put a bull bar on them, but naturally enough if you come up with another way to attach them or remove them altogether then the t5 bullbar ( a nice alloy one) will fit the multivan. At least that is what they told me.
How about this one, not a full bull bar however better then most nudge bars.
Last edited by Tornado T5; 06-07-2008 at 10:40 PM.