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Thread: t5 bull bar

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seano View Post
    Probably the same as any other properly made bull'll crumple into the front end.

    I've never seen a bullbar survive a roo strike (steel or alloy) at highway speeds on any car, ute or SUV......except one.

    Which was a handmade thing that was massively overbuilt and fitted to a LandCrusier ute - when it suffered a roo strike at around 100km/h, the bar didn't bend at all. What did bend was the chassis rails, one of which was shortened by 65mm and twisted about 10 degrees.

    If that T5 with the Tuff bar hits a roo at highway'll be thoroughly rooted. But it'll look wonderfully tuff doing it....<fail>
    I hit the roo at 80km/h in Subaru Lseries with the roobar and I didn't get stranded 100km from Wilpena pound Flinders ranges, suffered only minor damage to the bonnet and broken headlight.
    Put it that way, any damage to the car when you hit something will be greater than $300 insurance excess, even with the roobar, but the roobar should save the radiator and you can continue to drive (it can save your life).

  2. #22
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    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    ....any damage to the car when you hit something will be greater than $300 insurance excess, even with the roobar, but the roobar should save the radiator and you can continue to drive (it can save your life).
    Correct. That's all a good bar is supposed to do. To expect anything better is........unreasonable.

  3. #23
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    2014 T5.1 Multivan Tuned by Pendle Performance Australia

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivo View Post

    That's the ECB bar work that goes on the NSW ambulances - looks like they are different between the T5.1 and the T5.2
    ECB Volskwagen Transporter Bullbars Nudge Bars Frontal Protection Equipment

    This is for the 5.2

    This is the 5.1

    and there's also a nudge bar for both...

  5. #25
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    @ Seano - OK I'll bite. I cannot spot the difference between the models except for the "white" blinkers. Perhaps the mounting/fixing kit?

  6. #26
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    None of us who live in traffic light areas realise how much you need !

    Quote Originally Posted by wandaria View Post
    Folks I live in Queensland, anyone know a place in Queensland that supplies air bag rated bull bars to multivan comfortlines. I live in the country and animal strikes are a big problem.


    As someone who sold 4wds from Vic to NSW to Nth Qld regularly for last 25 plus years & drove up once a week & flew home from Cairns weekly, before moving from rural to city 4 years ago due to continuos droughts affecting sales in rural areas , some nights I counted over 300 roos between Goondiwindi to Banana to Rockhampton etc & regardless of what all us city dwellers think as we sleep whilst you drive , I believe you rural people need to give yourself best chance of no drama & there is not a VW radiator available on every corner have no doubt & re roadside service in those areas forget it, most who live in those areas believe all good looking alloy bars are good enough only for hanging pretty lights off, forget the looks & buy what you need, best peace of mind is get as good as you can & HOPE & in my personal opinion bars built in those areas are made to suit the area & its not the 300 we see tonight that cause the drama , it is the one we don,t see that causes the grief !

  7. #27
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    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Quote Originally Posted by MultiplexMan View Post
    @ Seano - OK I'll bite. I cannot spot the difference between the models except for the "white" blinkers. Perhaps the mounting/fixing kit?
    Almost certainly the mounting kit. These bars are mounted over the original vehicle bumper. Given the slight differences between the two models (mid life refresh and all that bollocks) then it'd be related to where to mounting points are on each model.

    Stupid really. Over bumper bars like this add a few tens of kgs to the front end and can potentially upset things. If they got rid of the OE bumper then the weight penalty would be minor.....but that'd make the bar expensive.

  8. #28
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    Hi, East Coast Bullbars, check out ECB Volskwagen Transporter Bullbars Nudge Bars Frontal Protection Equipment
    tel.0738975700, make a nice 76mm alloy bar for Transporter 01/10 onwards airbag and ADR compliant.
    I have ordered a nudge bar (just to carry lights and antenna) for my one day old T5 comfortline. I too have run into the problem of the front sensors. The people at Trivett inform me that they don't think they can be messed with without causing a permanent alarm situation.
    Does anyone have any info regarding this before I get hit with a restocking fee!

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by MultiplexMan View Post
    @ Seano - OK I'll bite. I cannot spot the difference between the models except for the "white" blinkers. Perhaps the mounting/fixing kit?
    Take a look at the inside lower corners of the headlights and there is a chamfer on one but not the other.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjondeck View Post
    Hi, East Coast Bullbars, check out ECB Volskwagen Transporter Bullbars Nudge Bars Frontal Protection Equipment
    tel.0738975700, make a nice 76mm alloy bar for Transporter 01/10 onwards airbag and ADR complidant.
    I have ordered a nudge bar (just to carry lights and antenna) for my one day old T5 comfortline. I too have run into the problem of the front sensors. The people at Trivett inform me that they don't think they can be messed with without causing a permanent alarm situation.
    Does anyone have any info regarding this before I get hit with a restocking fee!
    I am fairly certain that the sensors can be disabled via VAGCOM on the front only. Don't quote me on that, but I know it can be done on other models. It may be that the sensors need to be disabled entirely.

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