Reviving an old thread
A couple new bull bar options for the T5.
Formula Off Road - bumper replacement needs the plastic bumper panel trimmed in order to use the grille portion. They also do it in powder coated steel.
Nup, don't like that, it's a bit light on..
Reviving an old thread
A couple new bull bar options for the T5.
Formula Off Road - bumper replacement needs the plastic bumper panel trimmed in order to use the grille portion. They also do it in powder coated steel.
Baker and Priem have been doing a tubular bull bar for some time.
I'm not sure how it would hold up to a roo strike at 110km/hr...
Tuff BullBars
The Formula Off Road one looks OK.
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Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Probably the same as any other properly made bull'll crumple into the front end.
I've never seen a bullbar survive a roo strike (steel or alloy) at highway speeds on any car, ute or SUV......except one.
Which was a handmade thing that was massively overbuilt and fitted to a LandCrusier ute - when it suffered a roo strike at around 100km/h, the bar didn't bend at all. What did bend was the chassis rails, one of which was shortened by 65mm and twisted about 10 degrees.
If that T5 with the Tuff bar hits a roo at highway'll be thoroughly rooted. But it'll look wonderfully tuff doing it....<fail>
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Which is why fitting any bull bar to a modern car is thoroughly pointless. With modern crash design anything of substance is going to make the whole front of the car crumple regardless, and anything small enough not to do damage will just deform the plastic front bar momentarily before it pops back to shape. I'm originally from the country in Western Victoria and have hit plenty of animals at high speed (no roos thankfully, have come close a couple of times though) - I recall one where I hit a hare in a Fiesta XR4 at a speed I can't repeat here, got him right on the front left fog light no damage at all, the bumper just flexed when he impacted.
If you want to ruin the look of your car and reduce the effectiveness of the cooling and parking sensors, go right ahead. Otherwise just leave it alone.
Last edited by flyingfridge; 05-02-2011 at 05:03 PM.
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