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Thread: T5 Bashplate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Perth, WA

    T5 Bashplate

    I had a quick look underneath my transporter today as I am getting some coilovers done and wanted to have a quick perv at the general underside and suspension. The underside looks nice and clean without too much to get snagged on, but I noticed the lowest thing in the front looks like its the aircon compressor. It seems to stick out probably half an inch lower than anything else, and then the next bits are the engine pan and i presume transmission. All of which look expensive to replace if I give them a good knock, which isn't unlikely as I'm liable to be driving on a few dirt roads, and a good knock is possible especially if I lower it Any good bashplates on the market? A quick google didn't give me much joy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    We have two transporters a T5 128kw diesel auto and a 2.0 lt petrol manual , I have had a look under both as I was confused by your statement that what looks like a aircon compressor is showing . As both ours do not have anything exposed at all there is a large flat plastic underbody cover which completly covers everything , the only exception was our diesel which had a fuel cooler directly behind the passengers front wheel and was exposed and mounted on the underside of the plastic cover [stupid place as ours was eventually holed by a stone ] any way I might be wrong as there may have been some changes on later models . Howard

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Mallacoota, Vic.
    Auto-Siekel in Germany, available here through Trakka, have them for their óff-road' pack campers. Not cheap though. May even be worth trying your friendly local dealer, as some underbody protection is now available overseas at least, I think.
    The óff-road' pack was a stretch too far when I got my Trakkadu, but I've taken it off-road a bit, and found that the fuel tank straps seem to be the most vulnerable area. Fortunately cheap to replace, but it would be an embarrasment if you dropped the tank right out. I've now made a smooth sheet metal skid plate for that area.

    Let's know if you find anything interesting.

    Brian R.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Now Adelaide!!!
    While searching the net for the info you are after I came across this website...

    Volkswagen Transporter T5


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I would preffer one made localy and would explore that option before would go Trakka way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Yes, I was very concerned about the lack of any sump-guard on the new T5GPs, and yes it is the air-con unit which is the most exposed.

    Check out my previous post for details of the engine guard that I had made by a business in Ferntree Gully, Vic.
    From memoery it was around the $ 500 mark. They should be able to freight to WA.
    Last edited by hoddy; 13-09-2011 at 01:20 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Western Suburbs - QLD
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    YIKES !! That is VERY expensive for a simple piece of metal !

    I would be taking it to a fabricater / metal shop and asking the guys there to weld one up for you using some decent steel. Would be a hell of a lot cheaper than buying some fancy schmancy item from overseas or whatever.

    Bash plates are pretty simple things so no need to get too carried away with them. Once the guys have it up on a hoist they would be able to figure it out pretty quickly.

    Good luck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Quote Originally Posted by hoddy View Post
    Yes, I was very concerned about the lack of any sump-guard on the new T5GPs, and yes it is the air-con unit which is the most exposed.

    Check out my previous post for details of the engine guard that I had made by a business in Ferntree Gully, Vic.
    From memoery it was around the $ 500 mark. They should be able to freight to WA.
    Okay so from this see that there is not the same under engine tranny protection on the newer ones that were standard on the earlier ones , is that correct if so it seems like a backwards step as even the older T4 had a metal one under it !!!! Howard

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Perth, WA
    Thread Starter
    Thanks hoddy, that plate looks like it would do the trick and give me some piece of mind. Might have to give the guys there a call. It mounted to all original bolt holes, so no drilling, tapping or anything is required?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    like this one?

    132kw LWB Van. Not a tradie..

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