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Thread: T5 Auto transmission gearbox advice

  1. #1

    T5 Auto transmission gearbox advice

    Hey dubbers!

    Just joined, so please bear with me!

    Vehicle Details: VW Transporter T5 tdi
    Odometer: 278000
    Build Date: 2005
    Vin # WV1ZZZ7HZ6H008525
    Engine# AXE046713
    Trans Code and Type Box code: HGE

    Purchased my 2005 Transporter TDI Dec 2014 - odometer reading: 258200 - I noticed that occasionally, especially during city/town driving, gear changes were very clunky was not at all smooth going through the low gear ranges. Then the serious problems started back in June 2015. The first sign of these problems, the vehicle would go into limp home mode. So decided to get the gearbox scanned, updated the software and gearbox oil changed. Which improved the low gear changes and overall gearbox performance for a short while.

    But unfortunately after a few months of good running, the van started going into limp home mode again. Managed to get away with re-scanning and erasing fault codes, which worked for a few weeks. But this now does not make any difference and vehicle is not driving at all well. Seems to be constantly running in limp home mode, It will eventually go through the low gear range and If it does manage to get out of the low gear range and into 5th, 6th gear it seems to run reasonably well, responds to revving etc.

    Last vehicle diagnostic/scan test result: Faulty shift solenoid, conductor plate
    Basic scan: 2nd,3rd gear incorrect ratio

    Any suggestions on the best way to move forward in sorting the problem would be greatly appreciated, seem to be running out of options! Have had a number of varying prices on used gearboxes and quotes on repairing the valve body etc. Both options seem expensive and potentially problematic? A number of auto specialists have suggested contacting VW direct as apparently, they now offer reasonably priced rebuilt/reconditioned gear boxes?

    But after a number of calls and email messages to South Yarra VW Commercail centre, Melbourne and thanks to VW's level of customer service, I am still none the wiser on that query!?

    One final question, this may be a case of wishful thinking! but If the box was low on oil or wrong oil used - could this potentially cause a problem? or could it be an electrical, sensor fault?

    Let me know what you think.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I can only relate what happened with ours the same model as yours , the auto started to have a clunky change between 3rd and 4th up and down . VW refused to service it at that time because it is "Sealed for Life " don't bother asking VW how long is life because they do not know and yes I asked them several times . Okay around 130000 kays the auto had on a couple of occasions gone into limp mode and still was clunking . I took the van to local VW dealer for an air con problem an was told they could service the box Joy oh Joy I thought. Well $3600 later for the air con repair / full van service and an auto service or should I say " Alleged " auto service . 5 kms from the dealer we lost all forward drive each time we pulled up at lights , I had to turn off the engine and restart to get drive back . Now it turn out that all they did was remove a bolt at the base of the box drain the fluid and refill it at another bolt at the top . When they did this fluid change all it did was to mix with the sludge in the bottom of the auto box sump this mixture of old burnt fluid and then the flushing effect made more debris inside become sucked into the filter which they would not change it then became blocked this robbed the clutches etc of fluid and it self destructed .
    If they had bothered to remove the sump 15 bolts replace the filter $45 fit a new gasket $15 and clean out the old sludge I would not had to have spent another $8500 on top of the $3600 to keep the van on the road . So my personal advice is to find a local auto shop with experience with this model , Scanning will probably show you problems with the valve bodies as these can become sticky due to decaying fluid particles becoming lodged around the valves and solenoids . When you put new fluid in it washes out the particles and then more problems are likely to occur . If VW had any brains they would have put in place a service schedule for every 60000 kays like the eventually did with the DSG [ I have a theory that VW knew there was a problem and that's why they introduced a service schedule from 2010 on models ]
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 15-01-2016 at 04:55 PM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    VW refused to service it at that time because it is "Sealed for Life " don't bother asking VW how long is life because they do not know and yes I asked them several times .
    I was told in 2005 that According to German TUV it's 5years / 120,000km.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    I spoke to VWA back in 2012 or there about on no less than three occasions and they refused to disclose what the term Sealed For Life meant . No one could give mean answer whether it was a time frame or kilometres travelled . I suppose they just used the age old excuse deny deny until you give up .

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    Auto transmission servicing was only part of the service schedule for a few years, but has since been removed because everybody complained about the price of it. Go figure.

    You've done well to get to 258,000 without transmission problems in one of these. It sounds like you've really gotta commit to some sort of repair on it, and see how it transpires. Realistically, the only way you're going to know it'll be fixed first time around, and hopefully once and for all, is with a full rebuild.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  7. #7
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    Feb 2008
    Sealed for life means no service till your warranty has run out
    Mine gets a drain and refill and filter every 60-70K DIY

    "So decided to get the gearbox scanned, updated the software and gearbox oil changed."

    More on the oil change.
    Was it a full service flush and filter, or just drain and refill(which only gets about half the fluid)?Was the sump taken off(necessary to do filter)?
    Was it VW spec oil? G055025 or similar IIRC

    Here's someone else's high mileage troubles
    Tiptronic autobox failure!! - The Brick-yard - Page 1
    Last edited by Rebuild; 16-01-2016 at 11:00 AM.
    04 T5

  8. #8
    Unfortunately it was just a drain and fill oil change, which I believe may of been the final nail in the coffin for the gearbox!? Probably disturbed a load of dirt and sediments within the box, which then probably just mixed into the fresh oil and may of potentially led to the breakdown of the shift solenoids, conductor plate etc?

    General consensus seems to be that I may have a problem with the valve body? Apparently a common fault with these boxes. This being the case, should I go for just a repair job or a full rebuild? Any suggestions for companies in VIC to carry out the work would be greatly appreciated. But recommendations for companies Australia wide would be good, if reasonably priced and reliable. As I will likely have to drop the box out of the van to ship for repair anyway.

    Have had a number of quotes for both repair and rebuild, so far it's looking like it is going to work out much cheaper, even after shipping and import duty etc. to ship a full rebuilt gearbox from the UK!?

    This has it's obvious disadvantages i.e If gearbox fails within guarantee period etc.. but I seem to be quickly running out of viable options. Only other option, pick up a cheap box (if lucky) from dimantlers and hope and pray that it's a good one!?

  9. #9
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    You need to get an oil sample before even considering a repair. If the oil has a metallic film through it, don't attempt a repair. Get the box rebuilt. Most repairers will replace the valve body in them anyway, as well as several other known problem parts, with upgraded components.

    If the oil is ok, maybe consider a valve body replacement. And definitely do the filter as well.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    before a full repair, I'd get a FILTER plus spec oil change, and see how it performs from there.
    04 T5

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