Hello Brian,
Which engine, you mention couplings so I suppose You mean the freewheel drive & rubber couplings and it
is a 2.5TDI. If so then it would be a good idea to get those done now. They are known to fail before 170K kms.
Had a coupling failed you likely would have noticed it by way of noise(s) or battery/alt light if the alternator.
The service would include a pressure test of the air conditioning system, if all is working ok then usually it will be
left at that, however if the pressures are low, (Refrigerant Pressure sporadic - Lower Limit Exceeded) it suggests
the gas has leaked, and the leak(s) need to be rectified before recharging the system. Air conditioning leaks can
sometimes be difficult to find and overcome, my own T5 had a leak at the rear system, hard to get at with camper
furniture, and the exhaust silencer and pipes, so the rear a/c pipes have been blanked off.