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Thread: T5 ABS warning light lit.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Users Country Flag

    T5 ABS warning light lit.

    ABS and TCS lights are on. Looks like I can borrow an OLBII device, where is the connector? I have not downloaded fault codes before and would appreciate any hints pls.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    My vans TCS and ABS lights been on for around 6 years now , diagnostics told me its a ABS Pump that's faulty . Just couldn't,t be bothered with paying an exorbitant amount of money for a new one plus fitting . So I don,t know what effect it is having with the brakes as I haven't had to slam them on in an emergency . BUT there is another thing you can check there are sensors on the discs that apparently can send a fault code to the car , I think it is an actual ABS sensor from memory and if one fails it will log the fault as an ABS failure .The diagnostic connector is under the dash on the RH side its mounted in the black plastic part which covers in the underside of the dash it self .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Thanks Sunny. More info is to hand. Found the connector, right where it was supposed to be. Mobile mechanic has plugged in an OBD2 scanner and no codes are recorded. Interesting, to me of course, as I have been watching lots of YouTube videos on the use of the scanners and what a display of fault codes looks like. Mechanic did a "Clear Code list" thing anyway expecting the lights to go out but subsequent restart of the engine and the lights are still lit. So, still investigating.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Probably the lights are still on because the faults not fixed , even when I have mine serviced the tech tells me the fault and turns off the warning , I drive out the shop and 100 metres away it come back on again that's why I gave up on the bugger . Recently the Comfort module went to lunch in our family van , it took out the tail lights and interior lights but left the number plate lights and everything else on , all diagnostics told us was Comfort Control Module failure with no specifics had to replace the whole thing $950

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