Whilst not knowing the full capabilities of the 4 motion I know or stock front wheel drive one has amazing ability to handle muddy conditions . Both our T5 2005 turbo diesel and now our 2012 4 pot turbo diesel have both shown amazing ability when confronted with muddy conditions . We do a bit of Moto Cross riding and camping at a place outside of Brisbane . We watched the morning after a night of heavy rain all other campers with their 4WDs slipping and sliding along the camp access track , with our van loaded with 3 people loads of camp gear and a trailer full of gear and three large Moto Cross bikes we set off . As we made our way along the track I could feel the front wheels scrambling for grip , the traction control light kept flashing and throttle response dropped as it was limited . We made our way along the track with the van moving nicely along , yes it was sort of moving slightly from side to side as each alternate wheel would grip and release . We did this for a few hundred metres until we came to the amenities block where lots of others were parked watching the parks tractor pulling campers out , as we pulled level with all the crowd I wound down the window and yelled VW,s RULE and took off laughing at all those who struggled with their 4wds .Maybe there is an issue with the ABS sensors which activate the traction control . Look at this video to see what we had to contend with , the ute seen had actually came down a side track and as he turned to leave he slipped over the embankment almost hitting other campers . 20170617 150009 - YouTube