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Thread: T5 340 Fuel economy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Melbourne 3193

    T5 340 Fuel economy

    Just wondering what sort of fuel economy other T5 owners are getting around town.
    I have to say I feel the fuel economy on my T5 LWB auto van is disappointing.
    I would have thought the 2 litre engine with the 7 speed gear box would be at least on par with the older 2.5 litre 5 speed TDI T4s
    With my older T4 TDI auto I was getting close to 800km around town loaded up with tools.
    On the T5 I'm only getting between 700-750kms on a full tank.
    I wouldn't say I'm a lead foot driver but don't drive sedately either so curious what other forum members experiences are.

  2. #2
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    Mine's a SWB manual van and I'm probably heavily loaded 30% of the time but will pay tolls where I can.
    It's a bit lighter than the LWB van but the lowest I go is 900kms and that's with air running all the time.
    If not using much aircon, I usually get nearly 1000kms on a tank and about 1100 on the highway.
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    What year is the van? Does it use much oil?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    2012. No it doesn't use much oil.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tdi View Post
    2012. No it doesn't use much oil.
    Same as doesn't use any oil.
    Today when I filled up it took 74 lts for 989kms
    I used to get better economy when I had the engine light up for a faulty EGR though.
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    We have two T5s my work slave is the humble 2005 2.0 litre SWB manual non turbo PETROL with a medium load onboard I can squeeze around 750 to 800 depending on where I am driving , our home van 2012 T5.1 2.0 Turbo Diesel will easily get around 1000kays if nursed {rarely happens with me at the wheel } he he . Now the petrol one was a surprise as I went from the T4 2.5 petrol and also got the same distance from the bigger capacity motor , now with the T5 VW pulled a sneaky trick by lowering the final drive ratio so the T4 2.5 petrol would sit on 2850 rpm for 100kmh the T5 2.0 petrol sits close to 3300 for the same speed . Mind you I have stopped griping about the poor bugger revving its tits off on the highway because it has clocked over 320000 so far so who can complain about a few extra litres of fuel . NOW one last thing on economy and performance , a short time back I was contemplating an engine rebuild because it was down on power and worse on economy . A trip to a muffler shop diagnosed an issue with Cat Converter , so it was removed and had steel bar rammed down its throat until it vomited up its contents out the other end the result ? van got a new surge of power and economy went back to a much better level . So worth looking into some breath easy mods .

  7. #7
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    You are doing well mate, around town in our 2010 T5 2.0TDI 340 Multivan I used to get about 12l/100km. About 500km to a full 80l tank.

    This is with my driving style, which means the turbo works most of the time and I keep up with the traffic ..... at all times.

    On the open road, 1000km on tank was do-able.

    My wife (who drove it most of the time) with a substantially lighter foot could do 600km on a tank, still heavy for what is supposed to be a fuel efficient diesel van.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    I have the 2012MY TDI and its been enhanced by a good mate with a tuning shop so its like a GTI rather that a TDI now, I get easy 800+ around town.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Around town is very hard to define due to traffic condition and terrain can vary vastly. My 2012 TDI340 (T5 SWB) can last more than 1100k per tank cruising at 100km/h, but will be as high as 13-14L/100km on the hilly roads near Brisbane city. Then drop rapidly when got on M1/M3

    if you don't suspect a slip in the DSG (which could be told from take-off), it could only mean that the traffic sucks but your van could be cool.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Hi guys,
    I'm having issues with my 2011 T5 340 being heavy on fuel. Getting about 640km on a tank regardless if its town or motorway driving. I changed the N75 valve due to the dreaded moo sound. The van has been served by VW from new. Going to change the fuel filter and Liqui Moly purge the system this week. Is there anything else I can look for?
    I have VCDS but not a pro at using it.
    Thank you

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