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Thread: T5.2 Engine guard

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    T5.2 Engine guard

    All previous models of transporters have had engine covers.
    My new T5.2 Transporter with 4Motion / diff lock / rough road suspension ( 60K on road with extras!!) doesn't seem to have any cover underneath engine!
    Multivans have them.
    I have not been able to test performance in sand / mud for fear of getting the engine compartment dirty! What a crock!

    Am getting Vehquip to fit an alloy one this Friday - 600 bucks

    Has anyone purchased one recently that did have one fitted?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Users Country Flag
    Hi Hoddy,

    Interested to know more about the engine cover that you are fitting - who makes/stocks it, does it lower clearance etc. The price is attractive - Trakka have a Seikel gaurd available at $1900 !

    I am in the line to get a 4Motion with RR suspension and diff lock - how are you finding your setup as regards ride, clearance etc - I found it hard to get much detail from dealers re these options but decided that they would be worthwhile.

  3. #3
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    Will get some photos after its fitted (getting it done tomorrow).
    Veh Quip in Ferntree Gully Vic are doing it, may lower clearance a bit under the engine but at least it will protect it.
    Apparently its 3mm aluminum ( I think Trakkas is 6 or 8mm). Maybe not as tough but will be lighter and do a reasonable job as long as I dont go rock hopping! At least I will finally be able to take it down the beach and test it out on the sand.
    They have quoted $600.
    Regarding clearance - it seems to ride higher than a standard 4Motion - maybe 10-15 mm. With bigger tyres the clearance should raise another 20-24mm. So total increased clearance of around 35-40mm.
    Not sure about the rough road suspension --> it seems to be more of a rough ride suspension, but maybe it just needs a bit of weight in the back.
    Make sure you get the comfort pack --> my doors sound tinny when I close them.. much different to my friends multivan. Might be better insulation with the comfort pack.
    Last edited by hoddy; 29-07-2010 at 11:00 PM.

  4. #4
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    will look forward to the pics.

    Hopefully the suspension will settle down - with a camper conversion I will be carrying a constant load of about 500kg so am punting that the suspension/load will be a good mix.

  5. #5
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    Got it done yesterday, will post pics when I get my van back (have dropped it off to get water tank fitted underneath)

    They use 5mm Aluminium, price was around the 500 dollar mark.
    It does look sexy.
    They have a template now (off mine) and said that they could ship one anywhere in Aus

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Ah yes. I remember raising your exact concerns about the lack of engine cover for the Transporter at the new model training I did with VW. I'm glad someone has come up with a solution, and a superior one at that.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  7. #7
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    Here are some pics of the engine guard... (also a shot of the 68Litre water tank)...
    Vehquip will have the template now. I paid $495

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Now Adelaide!!!
    Looks very nice!!
    Could you give us some info on the water tank please?
    How is it filled?
    How do you get water out of it?
    Is the water drinkable?
    What is it made out of?

    Like i said it looks VERY NICE.....


  9. #9
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    Water Tank: 68 Litre custom job by LRA in Lilydale (Vic). Price was $1350, although now that they have CAD drawings from my custom job they could probably make it cheaper and would need the Van for fitment only.
    Its made of Stainless, err I think 3mm, has internal baffles. I'm rather stoked that they managed to fit a reasonably sized tank underneath the Van as I definately didn't want an inboard one.
    Rather than cutting a fill point in the side of the Van, they fitted 2 12mm hoses that end in the Engine compartment. One is a fill point with a "Nylex" connection, the other is a breather. To fill up I open engine bonnet, connect hose and fill away.
    Water will be drinkable as long as the water put in is OK!
    Need to hook up to pump, then feed to sink and rear shower.
    All hoses used are drinking quality hoses. (I've made the mistake of using garden hose previously -- YUK)
    Will post some photos of the filling mechansim when it stops raining outside

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    That looks nice and tidy, might have to get myself one when the 4motion arrives to keep the engine bay all nice and tidy.

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