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Thread: T5.1 CV joint, Control arm bushes and some major grief

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Gap, Queensland

    Angry T5.1 CV joint, Control arm bushes and some major grief

    I've come to grief.
    Tried to do my control arm bushes. On the first side, one was OK but with the press I have I simply could not insert the other. Had it done by a local, helpful garage.

    Went to reinstall the control arm (and new ball joint) but simply could NOT. Once the arm is in place I can not get it to slide over the shaft of the ball joint. If I installed the arm on the ball joint first, I could not get the bushes into their respective locations n the chassis. . . but there is WORSE was to come.

    In my attempts to fit the arm, I suspect I may have pulled the drive shaft too far out of the transmission. The boot buckled but if I try to rotate the wheel, there are some very unfriendly noises from the transmission end. They SOUND like noises from my T3 when I was in need of CV joint replacement. (Domestic authorities have deemed this a job for someone else!)

    Has anyone comments please about the transmission end of the shaft? The Haynes manual says there are two options. Mine is a 2011/2012 vehicle, LWB and auto.

    My vehicle is now immobile and looks like a tow truck may be needed.

    Any comments appreciated. (Commiserations too.)

    (OH for the 30 years of the T3 where everything was possible and nothing was complicated - even after I put an EJ22 engine in it!)

    2012 132kw T5.1 TDI DSG 4Motion LWB Transporter, locking rear diff. Macron Campervan conversion. ECB bullbar. Milford towbar and rear light protector. Seikel Desert HD 30mm lift kit.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    I think you can get that joint back together. Won't be a clean job. But doable. Will probably need to sacrifice the clamp and secure the boot again. Maybe a zip tie? I have stripped and reassembled lots of CV joints over the years.
    Ignore the authorities. ��

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag
    It should slot back in. It's only a tripod joint.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Gap, Queensland
    Thread Starter

    Somehow lost a message here!
    Thanks fellas. I appreciate the responses. In the end I removed the original clamp and then used a large hose clamp. Almost AOK now. I suspect issue was contributed to by new stiff springs.
    One problem on which I'd appreciate comment. When I slid the boot off I lost maybe 150ml of oil. Thought it a bit strange. Wondering whether I should (in situ) pack some cv joint grease in . Not sure there is a way to get oil in there as it is. Any comments welcome.
    Thanks for reading.

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