I have Audi wheels on my van..
And had Audi wheels on my last van,
Here is another set of Audi wheels,
Here are a set of Bently continental wheels that i had on my old van..
Hope there of some help
Hi Guys
Just quickly,I am looking at what common wheels will fit my T4 ie Merc,audi etc.
I did search the forum and found some info but it did not make all that much sense to me.
A few suggestions would be great, ta
I have Audi wheels on my van..
And had Audi wheels on my last van,
Here is another set of Audi wheels,
Here are a set of Bently continental wheels that i had on my old van..
Hope there of some help
yeah mate most wheels with a 5x112 stud pattern will fit. audi merc etc i think the centre bore on the van is still 57mm. lots of wheels to be had. all audi 5x112 and merc
cheers brenton
MK1 4door
1st place, stock MK3VR6. Vw nationals 07
2nd place, mod MK2VR6. Vw nationals 09
and untold wrecks
Mint, thanks heaps guys, I think I have some merc wheels I can grab cheap...
What offset do you work with for these wheels? I have the 5 on 112mm but I dont want to get somthing that will be scrubbing everywhere.