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Thread: T4 Throttle Body

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    T4 Throttle Body

    I think I may need to replace the Throttle body on my 1998 T4 5cyl 2.5L petrol. Only done approx 215 klms.

    Have looked around at images etc and some seem different.
    Can i use a 4cyl 2L petrol? What about from a 2.5L petrol pre 1997 ?
    Is there better model ones to get. New ones seem pricey.

  2. #2
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    Does anyone here know, if by fully replacing the throttle body on the T4 2.5 L petrol, it has solved an intermittant stopping problem? Now not going at all! Intend to replace the fuel pressure regulator first as a cheapest first solution. Have searched forums far and wide looking at intermittant T4 stoppage problems and am going to try these first.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    What made you think TB?
    any spark?
    any loose connections?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Check your dizzy cap and rotor button, and ignition coil. Also, there's an ECU relay that craps out on them too.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Intermittent stopping could you elaborate , does the van run normally then just cut out and restart after a short time ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Wet coil happens on my car - spray with WD40 and it starts 2 minutes later.

  7. #7
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    Thanks Racemag, Umai Naa!! and Sunny. I didn't see your replies, until just now.

    More info....
    Has been an ongoing intermittent problem. Had been running perfectly but started spluttering about 6 months ago and didn't have the revs/power to get up a hill. Got towed to friends and next day, she started ok but I replaced the fuel filter as it still had the original one on.

    All was good for 3 months with and did a lot of k's. Next time (just 20klms after installing a UHF radio) it was going up hill under load again and traffic on the Hwy. Scary. Came to a stop with it backfiring and spluttering etc. It had been raining heavy when this happened. Was in a precarious position on Hwy so put on hazard lights and abandoned for 10 mins whilst calling for help. Went back to van to collect some items and while there turned the key and off she went again. Perfect again!

    Next time was only 1 week and 200klms later as I a was pulling into my driveway at home.Thought good fortune as breaking down in my home yard would be easier to fix etc. Turned the key hoping she wouldn't start, but she did immediately and drove perfectly again.

    Two weeks later driving up Hwy, on way home she started to splutter /losing power/ on a flat stretch as I put my foot down a little bit. Knew there was a good pull over area a few klms ahead just before a small hill, so drove her gently. With the hill in sight, put my foot down and she died and just got into the rest area. She would not start (first time this had happened) and I got racq to tow to a sisters place nearby.

    So I had replaced the fuel filter 6 months ago. This is what i did next.
    Took my ECU out and put it into another persons T4 and it started his, so guessing that ECU is ok. (wouldn't run his for more than five secs, but guessing that due to different immobiliser)
    Tried a second hand Throttle Body at a very confident friends suggestion! Didn't start, got a spare one now.
    Tried a Fuel Pressure Regulator. No good, another spare
    Tried Relay 30. Hadn't tried this earlier as the one in the van was the newer white one anyway. YES, she started, I was so relieved.
    Thanked sister for her patience with her brown van spot lawn and headed off. Well, my jubilation was short lived, as about 2 klms away, started spluttering again, and died. Started her again and this time got about 300 mtrs. Now she wont start again and is parked on a busy, but safe road.
    It wasn't always damp when she stopped, so I haven't tried the electronic coil replacement yet. May have to try, and if not successful add that to my spare parts collection. I realise I may eventually have to take her to a European specialist, but dont want to yet, as I would like to know her better as I intend traveling to some reasonably remote areas.
    Have had to buy a new battery now, with all the starting.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Mysterious one this problem I would have first thought that the relay was the problem but as you have explained it I would not be sure . When the relay goes the van just cuts out instantly no spluttering just no go until it decides to make contact again . You have replaced that relay ?

  9. #9
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    Hi Sunny, Yes, replaced #30 Relay, and it went immediately. Then drove about 2 klm before it died and sat there spluttering mildly. Started again and it drove only 200 metres and again conked out. 2 days later I went back to van and she started and idled well so once again drove it, and once again conked out about 3 klms away.

  10. #10
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    An Update as hopefully it may help someone else. Forgot to post sooner and I also wanted to make sure problem was truely fixed as had had false hopes previously.
    Ok, so it was sitting on side of road for a day or two and rang a mob from Kunda Park (it was close by) who did roadside analysis with their new bewt SUPATOOL diagnostic tool worth 6K they told me. Told me it would cost me $65 to do. An hour and a half later and with no success they said that the whole dash would have to be pulled out to get to the control unit and need to get it towed to their workshop to do! I said NO Way, and went to pay the $65 and price by then had jumped to $200 for their magical Diagnostic tool work! I rang RACQ and got it towed home instead. Thought I'd try the VW dealer for a coil. They wanted $90 approx I think and a few days wait. Looked on Ebay and got one for $45 next day. BINGO!
    Thinking back, I think it was damp (showers) most , if not in all those instances it played up. One of the times she had restarted was also after I sprayed all the electrics including the coil with inox mx3. Only drove for a few k's though that time too, until it cut out and wouldnt restart.
    Since replacing the coil I have done many thousands of k's and she has not missed a beat. Thanks to all of you.

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