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Thread: T4 syncros

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Newcastle NSW

    T4 syncros

    Im thinking about taking out the -45mm springs and installing +40mm springs and a taller more aggressive tyre and Im chasing pics of anyone with a similar setup and comments on how they perform.
    Thanks Nik

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK, The North
    Do it. i'd do the same but I get std tyres soooo cheap i cant justify the expense

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    The spring lift is straightforward enough. King Springs KVRR-15 pigtails in the back and wind up the front torsion bars. Best you'll do is 40mm over stock T4 Transporter height....that's where my DOKA ended up. You can not go higher without major modification of the front end due to the torsion bar setup and limitations with respect to wheel alignment adjustment.

    More aggressive tyres are possible but largely unnecessary - best & most practical I've seen to date are the 205/70R15C GT Radial Maxway.

    A more aggressive option is possible by going to a 16" wheel with a 215/70R16 tyre (hard to find something smaller like the 205/65R16 in the right load rating) but the arches get very full with this size and in mud this is a no-no-no-no-no....even without considering tyre contacting the arches themselves.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Newcastle NSW
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    Im just debating it at the moment. Its going fine but to get underneath I need to jack it up alot which is a pain.
    How does it ride 40mm over stock (which would be 85mm over my current height)
    With the sump gaurd missing Im very careful so I really dont know what the T4 syncros are capable of.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    It rides just the same as stock. Although with better shocks it didn't pogo so you could say it rides even better....

    It has now been lifted for over six years and I'll wager that much settling has happened the chances of the thing still being 40mm over stock are limited.

    One thing I forgot to mention is that you may need to install spacers in the rear diff mount to minimise steep angles on the rear CVs. I have them in mine. I got the dimensions from a bloke in Europe who bought the Seikel lift kit and then had them made up locally and fitted them myself. However, if you have a camper or typically drive with a decent load over the rear axle then you may not need them - I didn't have mine in for the first three years of the lift.

    T4 Syncros are capable of quite a lot - far more than the belly pan is. Mine is....'customised by life'. Yet despite obvious road contact with the pan in the sump remains unperforated. The pan does help in off road situations as it prevents the bottom pulley becoming an obvious snag....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Newcastle NSW
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    Thanks for the ideas. Mine is so low at the moment that the rear axles go UP to the wheels not DOWN.
    Im waiting untill I finish the interoir before I play with the suspension so I know how much weight and how its distributed. It sits slightly lower at the passenger rear unloaded as well as loaded with r@r bed 2 aux batteries fridge cupboards etc.
    Do you have some pics of your van?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria

    Not a van....that would far too impractical for yours truly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Newcastle NSW
    Thread Starter
    Thank for that is that with the tyre and lift you described? Looks good!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Latter photo was taken nearly four years ago. Tyres are stock 205/65R15's (its still wearing those boots now, four years later) . So no lift there. And the suspension lift was three years old by the time this image was taken....which included a partial Australian circumnavigation and full time on rough far western NSW unsealed roads. So it had sagged a bit...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    City of Swan, WA

    Quote Originally Posted by Seano View Post
    The spring lift is straightforward enough. King Springs KVRR-15 pigtails in the back and wind up the front torsion bars. Best you'll do is 40mm over stock T4 Transporter height....that's where my DOKA ended up. You can not go higher without major modification of the front end due to the torsion bar setup and limitations with respect to wheel alignment adjustment.

    More aggressive tyres are possible but largely unnecessary - best & most practical I've seen to date are the 205/70R15C GT Radial Maxway.

    A more aggressive option is possible by going to a 16" wheel with a 215/70R16 tyre (hard to find something smaller like the 205/65R16 in the right load rating) but the arches get very full with this size and in mud this is a no-no-no-no-no....even without considering tyre contacting the arches themselves.
    Hi Sean, bumping this old thread up again.
    Did you use any spring pads on top of the King springs to get 40mm lift? I currently on the pink springs, I'm wondering if I should add spacers to lift or go with King's springs.
    Got Turbo Inside


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