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Thread: T4 Strange Noise

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melissa T4 Strange Noise 23-04-2007, 08:44 PM
Guest If you have had your car... 23-04-2007, 08:55 PM
melissa It was only the first service... 23-04-2007, 09:00 PM
Guest Gearbox noise? 24-04-2007, 06:44 AM
Golf Loon My T4 gearbox has just done... 24-04-2007, 07:50 AM
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newcastle NSW
    Users Country Flag

    T4 Strange Noise

    My 2003 T4 Manual Kombi gets serviced and generally well loved by me. It just does the normal mum stuff of running around and has only been as far North to Valla (last year) and just been to Canberra at easter which is as far South as it's ever been. It is just a couple of k's off 61, it's out of the 3 year warranty but by no means driven into the ground.

    I've had "little" issues with the dealer here (which I didnt buy it from) and its only been there for its first service and warranty work- it always needed to go back after a new problem would arise from a visit to the dealer Its been serviced by a mechanic that has always looked after our VW's and I trust him.

    Anyway enough of background.. last week I noticed when my hubby reversed out of the carport (its usually me driving NOT him) and I was outside the Kombi that there was a noise coming from the passenger side front wheel that sounded a bit like a rotating grating noise..the front wheel was at a hard turn, it's in reverse, maybe with foot slightly on brake as it goes downhill on a small slope and you can hear it from inside the car now as well. So I took it up to the mechanic to book it in for today and asked him to listen as I started to back out. He stopped me quickly and asked "It's still under warranty isn't it?" I said Nope...he didn't look too good...

    So it went in today for the service and he has written a note and thinks it could be the Reverse Idler in gear box..front brakes will need to be done in 5-10, it looks like its off to the dealer..the dealer that doesn't like me...
    so how many banks do I need to rob? anyone else had this happen? Do I have ANY recourse through VW if the gearbox is cactus? 61,000klms!!! .....

    oh...and I think I have found a spot of rust near the windscreen...and I don't live near the beach..and it lives in a carport ...
    did I get a Friday afternoon special??????

  2. #2
    syncro Guest
    If you have had your car serviced by VW, they may help you out.
    Give them a call.

    I think that you may still have a warranty as far as rust goes. (5 years?)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    It was only the first service by VW...but all of the other services have been written up...I think my mechanic is VW approved or something like that...but servicing doesn't include the gearbox anyway..does it?

    I thought paint etc was 5 years too, so that might be Ok.

  4. #4
    brackie Guest

    Gearbox noise?

    I can't make the connection between a scraping from the front wheel and a stuffed reverse idler! Get a second and third opinion before you fork out any cash, Melissa. Gearbox overhauls are very costly and at 60k shouldn't be necessary. It's obvious that you look after your vehicle and I'd be very surprised if the gearbox is at fault.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    My T4 gearbox has just done 200,000 with no probs.
    I cant believe yours is stuffed.
    Could it be the undertray rubbing on the wheel? Or a CV?
    Get someone uninvolved to look at it.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    I'm with Brackie on this one.

    If the brakes need to be done then get them done. Then see if you still have the noise....

    ....the number of times I've had to dig rocks and other crap from between the caliper, disc and sheild of the front brakes is......interesting.

    You could also be hearing the front CV joint under load (slow speed, hard turn) - which may not be a problem - just normal. Still worth looking for breaks in the protective boot (unlikely but worth a squiz).


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