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Thread: T4 Strange Noise

  1. #11
    syncro Guest

    That rust looks like warranty to me.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Adelaide South Australia
    The rust in my van is in exactly the same position[LHS ONLY] but yours looks more advanced than mine. If VW won't repair it then I would either repair it yourself or get it done. I understand the rubber trim is easily removed & at this stage probably with the right procedure an easy permanent repair. Don't whatever you do let it go. In the end it would be a windscreen out job & lots more money.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newcastle NSW
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    Can I ask how old your van is Jets?

    Thanks Phill..they will be seeing me in person on Monday (I have work and a funeral so can't get there until then)

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Those small indents are to help water escape from under the rubber/plastic trim. Late models had 3, one each end & one in the middle.

    Dietrich the Green T4 only has the two (one each end), and so far has no rust. Two years ago we had to have the windscreen replaced, and I looked at the recess where the windscreen sat with great interest, luckily there was no rust.

    I'm sorry to hear of your problem. It always saddens me when someone has problems with a T4, because they are such a great car.

    Hope all works out well.


  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Newcastle NSW
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    Thanks for the reply Maris. My Kombi has 3 of those little "V" shapes across the front but this rust spot is on the right of the "V" in the photo below..

    As you can see, its small for now...and when my hubby finds out he is NOT going to be happy...I've kept it secret from him so far... he has never really liked my Kombi...could have something to do with trading in the 85.. he has never gotten over's always been "Too red" or "no soul". Every time I have had to take it back to get this fixed or that fixed he has said "should never have gotten rid of the 85 "
    Last edited by melissa; 25-04-2007 at 01:39 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Mmmmm, that's seems a bit unusual to me. I've never seen one rust there.

    PS: Love the red


  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Adelaide South Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by melissa View Post
    Can I ask how old your van is Jets?

    Thanks Phill..they will be seeing me in person on Monday (I have work and a funeral so can't get there until then)
    My van is '01my sold in late '00. I live in the Adelaide hills where it gets very cold in winter. Although it sits under a carport, in winter there is a lot of moisture & condensation. I agree with Maris, don't be discouraged the T4 is a great long lasting van.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Thanks jets. Mine sits under a carport too...we have had plans approved for a double garage to be added to the house with quotes ranging from $44K to $59K...and that doesnt include driveway etc... ...but its got to be done.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Depending on the age of your van........but I think VW offered a body perforation warranty. If you still have the paperwork it might be worth a shot.

    Mine's an 01 build and never had a rust issue (or any other significant issue despite being hammered) but then it has only had the merest sniff of the sea in the last six years....

  10. #20

    melissa change your brake pads ....are they the original pads ? reverse gear idler will always make a sound in reverse...not a scraping noise...though. the rust blemish is a common sight usually on high miler t4's...yes it is warrantable.make sure the backing plate to the disc dosent have a stone caught between.....get your friendly mech to actually remove the brake pads and inspect..hope this cheers you up no need to jump to worst case as the t4 is a good durable van ..they do have weak spots but so do lots of other cars/vans...good luck cheers steve

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