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Thread: T4 stalling problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Paralowie, SA
    Users Country Flag

    Unhappy T4 stalling problem

    Hi guys,

    I have a '94 T4, 2.5ltr, auto with an intermittent stalling issue. It happens sometimes when I pull up, sometimes while driving at 80-90 kph there is no real pattern. It can go a day or so with no problems and other days it will stall 4-5 times in a space of 5km.
    So far I have changed plugs, relay 30, fuel filter and had the fuel pump and coil tested. I've only had the van since Oct last year and mechanics tell me it appears someone else was having the same issue. Plug leads and dizzy cap changed, battery, some vacuum hoses. No error codes are showing up as it started first time when it was being tested. Sometimes I have been stuck for 5 mins before it starts.
    I'm at my wits end. Could it be the Hall Sensor? That's about all that is left.


  2. #2
    Could be a wiring issue, possible fault with your fuel pump relay, ignition switch, hall or crank sensor
    What happens when the van cuts out?
    Do you lose all your ignition lights when it cuts out?
    When you turn the ignition can you hear your fuel pump spinning up?
    Do you have spark?
    Forgot to ask Petrol or diesel

  3. #3
    I had a 1995, 2.5, manual, petrol camper, it used to stall on me at different times, worse in winter, they do have a problem with the coil, its location on the right front exposes it to moisture, can cause it to develop a crack down the side or just fail, I had asked the VW mechanic to change it over and was told it was fine, a week later in an underground car park it just tossed it in. Had a new one fitted and all was good. Peter.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Paralowie, SA
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    Thanks for the replies guys. As I stated I've heaps of testing and about all that is left is the Hall Sensor so I'm booking in to have it changed as well as the temperature sensor.
    For the record it was fine for 2 days then has been playing up and stalling again. Could be a heat issue also as I've nooticed it tends to do it more often when the outside temp is high.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    That sounds so much like the relay problem I had with my T4 but you have changed the relay for anew one I presume . Mine would just cutout without warning sometimes on the highway it would happen for a couple of seconds and because it was still in gear would restart . Around town was abitch as if you were in traffic it could stop for several minutes I even resorted to putting it in gear and turned it over by starter to get off the road onto the footpath . Relay fixed it forever a truck stopped it completely forever !!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Paralowie, SA
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    A quick update on the stalling issue. Turns out it was the Hall Sensor in the end. Has been replaced and it's good as gold. Now I can concentrate on fixing a few things I knew about when I purchased it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Dont poke and hope, scan, smoke and scope
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    2.5 that age would also be digifant, be well worth making sure you have a coiled vac line to your ecu as it gets oil in the map sensor that age, went to Simos after that with air mass meter. Good to hear you fixed it though
    Alba European
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    Audi/VW/Porsche Factory trained tech 25+ yrs exp
    For people who value experience call 0423965341

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