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Thread: t4 problems over fueling to the max.??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    t4 problems over fueling to the max.??

    hey guys my 2l t4 was running not extremely well tho lol problems on cold start the 2 pin i think. but i drove home the other day and it conked out when warm which it hasnt done before. any way ive done a compression test ~170psi on all 4 but really rich. plugs where still wet and covered in black from me tow starting it after it stopped lol. the van would run at full throttle and nowhere else blow lots of fuely smoke. ive change out the fuel pressuer reg. ( wasnt a easy job lol ) cleaned the ecu vac line and put in a oneway valve. cleaned the plugs, changed the coilpack for my test one, tried a different 2 pin sensor. what else is there to check besides the ecu. ?? anybody had this sort of problem before.
    cheers brenton
    Last edited by DVR68U; 25-12-2007 at 04:09 PM.
    MK1 4door
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  2. #2
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    Does it not have diagnostics in the ECU that you can look at?

    They(engines in general) often over fuel in response to a bad sensor input.


  3. #3
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    You need to pull the codes man, didnt you have a handheld code reader??

    I have the 1551 and a spare ecu and I`ll be at work on Thursday.
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  4. #4
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    Dont poke and hope, scan, smoke and scope
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    Bad for blue coolant temp sensors mate. Cold signal when warm extended fuel injection pulse but also saw one fill up cylinders due to a faulty ecu!!
    Good luck mate
    Alba European
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  5. #5
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    could the ecu be reset or did it need new one ?? seems like mine might be a dodgy ecu. its already got a sticker on it from some elct company back in 2000. with one plug out the car just sprays fuel out of the plug hole when you kick it over. i have changed the 2 and 4 pin sensors, coilpack, re earthed the battery and ecu with a runner between the ecu earth point to the batt.
    hmmm ???? can i leave the ecu unpowered for a day or something and it will forget its learnt values ?
    cheers brenton
    MK1 4door
    1st place, stock MK3VR6. Vw nationals 07
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  6. #6
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    Check and see if the injectors are firing with the ignition on and the engine stationary.

    Digifant Golfs are famous for blowing the injector driver in the ECU after a clutch change. Someone would forget the earth strap for the gearbox, when you started the car, the starter would earth through the ECU and blow it up.

    Then the injectors would be constantly on, filling the cylinders with fuel. Continued cranking often bent a rod.

    I wonder if you have a bad earth which is causing a similar scenario?


  7. #7
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    Dont poke and hope, scan, smoke and scope
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    H100vw great call mate seen the same but dude with the fault- thats exactly what was happning to the golf i diagnosed. The ecu had carked it and was filling the sump mate washing bores etc. Yeah you turn the thing over and it sprays fuel. Gettin too much im afraid, if i were you take loon up on his offer of an Ecu .
    Good luck mate.
    Alba European
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  8. #8
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    yeah i had a phone call today from a uncle in canada, i told him about it and he said he had the same problem with the bad earth, and it was earthing back thro the ecu. its funny that i get 3 ppl telling me this in one day. i reearthed the battery and cleaned up the ecu earth and ran another directly to the battery from the body/ecu earth this morning.
    is there a way to find out if the ecu is burnt out ? using the 1551 etc. the van ran 2 day after the codes where cleared. then i changed out the 2pin and 4 pin sensor for my old ones. and drained the oil as it had half the fuel tank in there . and after it cooled down the motor wouldnt start again. its driving me crazy lol. so how can you tell if the ecu is cooked??
    cheers brenton
    MK1 4door
    1st place, stock MK3VR6. Vw nationals 07
    2nd place, mod MK2VR6. Vw nationals 09
    and untold wrecks

  9. #9
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    Dont poke and hope, scan, smoke and scope
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    Donor ecu pal - Golf Loon is ya man. Like i say ive seen cylinders fill up with ecu being U/S and there is a list of implications there so glad you have the savvy to drain the sump! Might pay to put a little squirt of oil down the bores too, you lose a load of compression with bore wash too mate. With 1551 you cant test the map or the eeprom only input and output. And might not even throw a code. It must be bench tested or try the donor.
    Good luck mate and Happy New Year!!!
    Alba European
    Service, Diagnostics and repairs. Mobile Diag available on request
    Audi/VW/Porsche Factory trained tech 25+ yrs exp
    For people who value experience call 0423965341

  10. #10
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    If you can't get an ECU then you might be able to take the lid off the suspect one and check the output of the injector driver

    Follow the injector wires back to the ECU to see where they comeout of it. Then follow the same lines from the plug to the circuit board.


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