well i have already earthed the bolt that the ecu earth is connected to , so the ecu earth runs to the body above the ecu and i ran a direct earth from the battery to that point so the 2 are touching and also earthed to the body.
the wiring isnt that ratty it has had some body silicon the backs of all the plugs to stop the dirt and water getting in them.
today at 3 i went out and thought i would just give it a try with out changing anything. and sure enuf the bloody thing started. not running cleanly tho. turned it off then started again. then i let it cool down abit and changed the sensor back for the ones i got of matt. which are the not the ones i had in the car when this all started. i then tried to start it and it started and seemed to run on 3cly, i pulled leads while running to see which one wasnt firing and they all affect the idle. i let it idle for a bit more, walked about 5ms away and it died , and wont start again . so it started after it wouldnt yesterday with out changing anything.
MK1 4door
1st place, stock MK3VR6. Vw nationals 07
2nd place, mod MK2VR6. Vw nationals 09
and untold wrecks