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Thread: T4 Caravelle losing Fuel Pressure Overnight or when sitting for a while, petrol V6

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    T4 Caravelle losing Fuel Pressure Overnight or when sitting for a while, petrol V6

    Hi Again,

    I have just replaced the fuel pump assembly in my T4 Caravelle, V6 Petrol.

    The whole swirl pot assembly was changed due to a dead pump.

    Now when sitting for a while, it cranks a couple of times when restarted. If left standing overnight, it takes quite a while longer to start.

    I know this is related to the residual fuel pressure in the line or the lack of priming of the pump when the ignition is turned on.

    My first question is do these systems have a priming system built in as I believe all EFI systems do. I just do not hear the pump.

    Secondly, has anyone had this problem before and what was the fix.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thread Starter
    Any clues to the above problem. The new pump is a VEMO pump.

    I also have another associated issue. On the weekend when the weather was hot, after driving for about a half an hour the car would just turn off and it felt like lack of fuel. It restarted after about 4 attempts and about 3 or 4 minutes.

    This happened for another 3 times before arrived at my destination.

    Any clues?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Obviously you have problem with fuel but maybe the engine relay could be at fault causing your turnoffs , not sure on a V6 engine but definitely a known problem on the 5 pots petrol . Relay failure causes sudden engine cut out at any time , sometimes it will restart quickly sometimes you just have to wait a while .

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