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Thread: T4 Auto Trans

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Peregian Beach, Queensland
    Users Country Flag

    T4 Auto Trans

    OK, our 2000 T4 LWB needs some auto trans help. I understand they are not the best but we love the van and if anyone knows of a shop that understands these transmissions in SE Qld, I don't mind spending the money to get a few more years out of the beast. I am just worried that most auto trans shops really don't know or understand the ins and out of these boxes and I could spend some useless money for very little longevity. So, any recommendations between Gympie and the Gold Coast?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    I found these guys Automatic transmissions Brisbane – Auto Trans-Tech Contact the experts! after our T5 auto gave out and was rebuilt by another place and to be honest I wish I had used them in preference to the place that did do the rebuild at the time . They were right next door to Alba a forum sponsor so they knew VW stuff quite well . Down at Slacks Creek area .

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