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Thread: T4 ACU Head Gasket

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Kalamunda, Western Australia
    Users Country Flag

    Question T4 ACU Head Gasket

    Hey folks,
    I have just got hold of a 1994 T4 2.5L Petrol to set up for my daughter as a camper van. There's a bunch of stuff to sort out - engine mounts, gear linkage, suspension etc, however the engine - although looking initially really healthy (compression readings were all up around 240psi with only cylinder 1 reading slightly low (230ish) , seems to have a head gasket or head leak.

    There's no emulsified oil, however the coolant is changing colour, a lemonade style / effervescent foam in the overflow bottle and a familiar smell of combustion gasses mixed with coolant. I will ask around to see if any local mechanics have a gas analyser to confirm.

    I am wondering whether it might be a good first option to try some pour in sealant like Rislone / Blue Devil / Liquid Intelligence / Steel Seal etc as the leak seems very small at the moment and the coolant system is still pretty clean.

    We will likely do the head gasket or head in due course, but it would be good to get in on the road for 6-12 months first.

    Asking as it is my first time with the T4 - has anyone tried this before and had success? It looks like a relatively complicated cooling / heater circuit - is there anything that can get clogged with this sealant that shouldn't?

    Thanks in advance, Darren.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag
    My experience with those band-aid fixes is that you'll typically end up with a blocked radiator and heater core.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Yep, sealants tend to clog radiators a bit, and then engine runs hotter
    04 T5

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Kalamunda, Western Australia
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thanks for the responses guys! The leak is currently very minor and a couple of mechanics have suggested it. I'm mostly wondering if anyone has tried this with the T4? I would be keen on blocking off the heater matrix and the oil heat exchanger if I am going to do it. I am worried about the oil heat exchanger as its the one point - aside from the head - that might reach over 105C and might cause the sodium silicate to set.

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